New NRA LIVE Report is SCARY!!!!

Could you supply a synopsis? My new computer, as delightful as it is, (It was an entirely unexpected Christmas gift from my wife, who was doubtless tired of my complaints about having to clean out the temporary files several times an hour while surfing.) lacks both speakers and a sound board, so the NRA Live report is a trifle uninformative for me.

Sic semper tyranus!
I tried, but couldn't get jackdammit to come through. "Net congestion" every two seconds.

HEY NRA: Lose the RealMedia! Y'ever heard of good old MPEG?!

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
I would imagine these "Lawsuits" against the gun makers are just not going to go away. Now our president is stating he is going to sue the gun companies on behalf of the housing projects. How he will do this I don't know, perhaps through his attorney general. Before this guy leaves office he is going to do everything in his power to shred up our Second Amendment Rights. We are in for probably the worst year we have ever seen regarding our Second Amendment Rights. I believe one of the pro-gun organizations, either The Second Amendment Foundation or Gun Owners of America has turned around and sued the municipalities who are suing the gun companies, at least its a start, but now the pro-gunners may have to sue the president if he follows through with his actions. All I can say is that with our government messing with our Rights, we are in for some rough times ahead. I just hope it doesn't get too nasty. One of the commentators stated that "the gun companies had better hang together on all this or they will hang separately," I believe he may be right.

[This message has been edited by Bob R (edited December 27, 1999).]
The Second Ammendment foundation at

is sueing the mayors of the cities suing
the firearms industry. The Second Ammendment Foundation is also considering suing Bill
Klinton if Klinton attempts to sue the fire arms industry via HUD.

The membersip in is $15.00 per
year. Are you a member yet???

You can support these pro gun lawsuits for only $15.oo a year.

Every year,over 2 million Americans use firearms
to preserve life,limb & family.Gun Control Democrats
would prefer that they all die,instead.
ernest2, Conn. CAN opp. "Do What You Can"!
The NRA has this on a video tape that you can purchase. Several of us at our local gun club purchased a few of them. Have been using it to get people to join the NRA. When given to a gun owner, who is not an NRA member, they more than likely will join. I recommend that everyone who is an NRA member purchase a couple of these tapes and spread them around. Let others know what is in store for us if we do not do something. The video is called Banned and costs $4.50 per copy.

The link to where you can purchase them is at:

Please purchase a couple and spread them around.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
I show this video tape at gun shows to help recruit NRA members. I t is pretty effective. If you are not a members join today. Email me if you would like more info.
Do you think they're using enough plugins?

You'd think they'd want people to actually watch the thing...

Which is more important?:
A) More people can view the information.
B) Flashy things flying around the screen.

When will people learn?

"REQUIRED: Shockwave Flash 3.0"
Proprietary application that only runs under Windows and Macintosh.

"REQUIRED: Real Networks RealPlayer 5.0"
Another proprietary application (although more platforms are supported than shockwave).

"REQUIRED: Java Enabled"
Feature with possible security issues.

REQUIRED: Javascript Enabled
Another feature with possible security issues.

REQUIRED: Cookies Enabled
Feature with possible privacy and security issues.

Coinneach, I agree. This site could have provided the same amount of information with a link to an mpeg file- at the very least as an alternative to the shockwave / realaudio / java / javascript / cookie version.

I am unable to view the content.