New NRA-ILA Web Site


New member
As many of you know the NRA has been revamping their website for some time now. They have a news section where you can listen to and even watch speeches, news updates, and other Second Amendment related material.

Now the NRA-ILA has almost completed revamping their section of the web site. They have a new Legislative Action Center with a letter composer with preprinted and even addressed messages to send to your legislators. I think they are working on an email system as well that will be similar to GOA's.

The NRA-ILA has links to all of their new fact sheets, brochures, and articles. They have some really great new fact sheets and articles. The only thing I don't like about it is that they use "frames" which drive me as well as a lot of other people nuts. So I have decided to put links from my Second Amendment Homepage to the NRA-ILA's material where you can view it "frame free." Here is a sampling of the links...

Prosecution is Prevention
Gun Shows Under Attack
Guide To NICS
Boxer's "Junk Gun" Bill
Lost Battles, Lost Rights
Madison and the Bill of Rights
Nazi Repression of Firearms Owners
Anti-Gun Support
Anti-Gun Organizations
"Child Access Prevention" Laws
Armed Citizens & Crime Control
Armed Citizens & The Police
Polls: Anti-Gun Propaganda
NRA Fact Card 1999
"Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act"
The Case for Repealing DC's Gun Laws
Federal Handgun Importation Criteria
Child Access Prevention Laws
Federal Firearms Licenses
Federal Penalties For Firearms Misuse
Animal Extremists in Their Own Words
Gun Laws Around The World: Do They Work?
Fables, Myths, and Other Tall Tales
Virginia's Great Dissenters
The Bill of Rights and the States
Gun Control=Gun Prohibition
The False Promise of Gun Control
1994 Clinton Crime Bill
The United Nations and Gun Control
Taggants and Gun Powders
The Right to Keep and Bear Arms In State Constitutions
"Smart Guns"
School Safety
"Saturday Night Specials"
Firearm Safety in America
No Fire, Not Even Smoke in VPC's Whine about Right To Carry
The Right To Carry
Semi-Automatic Firearms
Rationing Handgun Purchasing Rights
Firearms Registration: New York City's Lesson
"Gun Control" The Long Island Railroad Crime
Lautenberg -- Massive New Powers
History of Federal Ammo Restrictions Based on Projectile Construction
The War Against Handguns
Firearms Glossary
America's Founding Fathers on the Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms
The Second Amendment in Court
Defunding The CDC's NCIPC
Books, Law Reviews, Magazine Articles on the Second Amendment
"Gun Control"; And The AFL-CIO
Range Protection Laws
Firearms Preemption Laws
What is the Gun Lobby?
Mandatory Storage/Trigger Lock Legislation
The Corporation for the Promotion of Rifle Practice
Pro-Gun Groups
Pro-Gun Legislation Introduced in the 106th Congress
Anti-Gun Legislation Introduced in the 106th Congress
Emerson v. U.S.

Feel free to come visit my web site and book mark it for future use.

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[This message has been edited by nralife (edited August 13, 1999).]