New NRA Flyer on Kerry and Hunting


The NRA has produced a new flyer that gun owners and hunters can use to spread the word about Kerry's voting record on hunting and gun rights. You can check it out online at:

If you would like some copies of it (since the scan is not completely clean) email me at and I will be happy to send you a few to give to your friends.

You can also view the new NRA ad "That dog don't hunt" at:
Good info, but the first link is bad. Get this info to your hunter friends who might be inclined to vote for this clown, particularly those in unions. The NRA magazine this month does a good job of laying out Kerry's vehemently anti-gun voting record. The Captions are "Concealed Kerry" on a picture of Kerry in blaze orange shooting an O/U shotgun, and then on the next page "Revealed Kerry", showing his record on gun bans and other anti-gun votes. Clever.
Sorry the link is bad. The file is too big to attach so I was trying to use a Yahoo briefcase folder to provide access.

You can see the flyer at my web site ( and on the links at the right side of the page, "If John Kerry Wins, Hunters Lose."