New NRA Ad Racist?

Jeff White

New member
Was stuck inside for a while this afternoon and watched a rerun of a Hannity & Colms show on Fox News.

One of the big issues was the charge that one of the NRAs new television ads was "racist". The ad shows mugshots of persons charged with ghun crimes who were not prosecuted. There was a congressman from New Jersey on charging that blacks and hispanics were overly represented in the ad and that the NRA was trying to appeal to it's "white male" constituancy.

They played the ad twice, Shawn Hannity began counting the mugshots by race and it seemed they we pretty equally divided between white, black and hispanic.

I guess when you can't argue with the facts, that the Clinton administration doesn't enforce the laws on the books, you have to attempt to divert the issue by accusing the people stating the facts of being racist.

I don't know if any other media picked up the story, this was the first I had heard of it or the ad.
The kicker: even if the races were shown in equal numbers, the accusation will travel much farther than the fact. Truth may win in the end, but it takes a hell of a beating from lies in the process.
The antis could apply any kind of twisted logic here. If you do it by a straight split i.e. 3 white 3 black 3 hispanic, they could argue that the overall domestic US population would equal 6 white versus 2 black and 1 hispanic, but if you did it based on the ethnic statistics of the prison population the result would make them spit out their croissants............

Mike H
I know the question was retorical, but Generaly they look like people.

The Liberals always play the race card showing themselves to be the so racist they make the KKK, and the "Black" Nation of Islam look like pikers.

When we call a racist a racist and a hate monger a hate monger. And mostly when we finally relalize there is only one race HUMAN then maybe we can start to talk and make a little sense.

OOPs I forgot.... Liberal, and Sense make an Oximoron. Liberals are too common, Sense isn't near common enough.

[This message has been edited by Raymond VanDerLinden (edited October 24, 1999).]
The funniest part was the host repeatedly shouting at the black man who represented the NRA that the drastic reduction in prosecution of gun crimes was "NOT THE POINT!!" Guess he forgot that that was what the ad was about.
The second funniest was when the other host tricked the liberal dork into bringing up Willie Horton, then hit him with the fact that AlGore was the first to bring it up in the 1988 elections.

Saddest was the host who just kept saying
"But don't you agree, sir, that the NRA is just pandering here because OBVIOUSLY their constituency is white males?"
That's right, idiot, if you're a white male you are genetically doomed to fear people who aren't white. And the fact that you repeat your accusation that the NRA is playing a race card, after someone demonstrates publically that it is untrue, has the power to MAKE it true.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
I dont have any numbers, but I understand that more and more designated "minorities" are joining the NRA etc. simply because they dont want to be disarmed. Good enough reason for me!!!
This is probably why the race card was played. "Somebody" wants to have the NRA and designated minorities opposing each other.

Arent there somewhere around 80,000,000 gun owners in this country? The issue is the same for ALL of us. Pure and simple. We dont have to agree on everything. I doubt that we would want to, but HOLY TOLEDO BATMAN!!!!! lets get together on this!!!

Better days to be,

It stands to reason that out of 80,000,000 gun owners a significant number are not white males. Minorities, whether racial, ethnic or sexual have more to fear from an abusive government and/or an intolerant society once their ability to defend themselves has been lost.
As we all know, the earliest examples of gun control in this country were racially motivated. That fact seems to have been largely lost in the national debate on this subject.
So is it simple irony that the race card is now being played in this manner, or are we seeing another example of a cold, calculated and hypocritical lie being spread by the anti's?
Was just at a book store in the mall and was leafing through a very interesting book on the degradation of personal freedoms in America. Good section on guns, can't recall the name of it. I'll go back tomorrow, find the name and post it. Knowing the kinds of people here, my guess is that probably more than 60% of TFLers have read some or all of it. One part caught my attention dealing with the first attempts at gun control on minorities, specifically blacks. Someone really needs to remind the NAACP that, back in the day, they organized NRA-affiliated groups to promote firearms training and ownership among African Americans. I'd like to see them squirm their way outta that one.
Yea, verily. It cracks me up living in 'culturally diverse' northern VA, that an awful lot of my emmigrant friends and acquaitances are a), amazed that its easy to own guns here, and b), most of them take quick advantage of that fact, especially if they've come here from some place repressive. It is intuitively obvious that is hard to oppress a man with a .45 or a 12 guage.

Meanwhile, all the candy-assed liberal white folks hereabouts are sucking up the 'guns are bad' drivel while they worry about all those armed minorities. Yup, gun control is still pretty racist, if not downright denial of reality and a poor substitute for criminal control. Life is strange here. M2

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited October 24, 1999).] people are so racist, they want Blacks, Asians and everyone else to be armed against eventualities of life. Hmmm, that truly is terrible :)
gentlemen, one of the most encourageing things that i see in the gun stores of -kalifornia.and i do know and visit most of them in and around los angeles,is the large numbers of armenians,russians,mexicans,and other people who are buying guns.these people are new to this country,and they are exercising their rights.yesterday i was at b+b guns in van nuys.i could not beleive the large amount of people filling out i just hope they join the n.r.a.----thankyou----arthur
Gun control in this country has always been racist. The first gun laws were designed to prevent slaves from owning or buying guns. After the Civil War, many states, not all in the South, rushed to enact laws banning all but expensive "military type" or "quality" guns that most ex-slaves could not afford.

Many of the current laws in Michigan and other states date from the 1920's when the KKK was a real power and got the laws enacted to, again, prevent their potential victims from arming themselves.

So, Sarah Brady and Joe Curran are the direct ideological descendents of the "Knights" who lynched blacks without trial. It is probably no coincidence that some of the more rabid gun control freaks have urged that gun owners be hunted down and executed without trial.

How about it, Sarah, is a pointed hood the latest style in headgear for HCI?

...Well, guys,

These late, idiodic accusations come in a package with the others voiced by Dick (appropriate name) Gephardt and Maxine Waters (D-CA), claiming that the Republicans are just a bunch of racists because they opposed the nomination of a corrupt black Liberal judge and the appointment of a corrupt black Liberal woman as our New Zealand ambassador.

See, since our wonderful Media core (the watchdog of society, heh, heh) cannot ignore the NRA commercial, or these "failed appointments", they decide to analyze them vis-a-vis a phantomatic racism, rather than actual content, which would mean having to admit the truth, which they abhor and fear.

It really must be part of the latest "DNC Strategy" - only they seriously underestimate the intelligence of the American public, blacks in particular.

(By the way, why aren't the NOW nags siding with us, since the NRA hasn't portrayed any of these thugs as, say, a blonde bimbo or a tom-boyish redhead? Man, but it is hard to please these people!!!!! But then , they must know we all love babes with illegal guns!!!! :) :) :))

They must be rally breathing their last strategic gasp, because, normally, the race-card is the last-ditch line of defense for any seriously troubled, lame-duck argument..... and the election is still a good 12 months away!.....

Y'all, be prepared for the most bizarre charades from these bunch of clowns.....

If you are younger than 20 and not a Liberal, you have no heart.

If you are older than 20 and STILL a Liberal, you have no brain.
The racist appears to be the one who doesnt want to grant special status because of race. Does that make sense to you?

Better days to be,

Oh, Ed, how quaint - you want to treat every one the same, ya know, like equally? Never fly, it ignores all those 'special needs' we is obligated to accommodate.

So what we have here are gun control advocates who are a) racist, and b) anti-civil rights (as in the right to self defense). Now are we talking liberals here, or fascists? I'm so confused (not).

Sickening, ain't it?
I also saw this program.
I was amazed at the math....

The liberal in the middle was forcing the point that 66-70% of the mug shots were minorities, and that was racist.

Sad part is that a great deal of the US population watching will say "Wow, 70% minorities ...that IS racist"

I guess whites are gonna have to start covering at least 50% of the crimes and let all the other races in this country get the other half.


SameShot, Different day