New News Service


Staff Emeritus
There’s a new news service on the net -

This service apparently is owned and operated by J. J. Johnson.

He appears to be very sensitive to what he considers Constitutional issues;
however, his writing seems to me to be very emotional. I have no idea
what, if any, journalism credentials he may have or if his emotions affect
his journalistic efforts.

For the record, I in NO way question his character or his efforts. However,
as with any news service (especially a new effort), I strongly recommend
you carefully confirm elsewhere the details of the information he provides.

(Most of his information would be related to the Legal and Political Forum.)
It looks like an interesting news alternative to the usual sources of information. I've bookmarked it and I'll check it out over a period of time to judge its worth. Since they have, however, just started carrying VIN SUPRYNOWICZ's column, the site already has gained a lot of credibility with me.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.