New Military Unit for Domestic Deployment


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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>New military unit
for domestic deployment
Cohen says Americans should
'welcome' troops on home soil


By Jon E. Dougherty
© 1999

Critics are denouncing recent congressional changes to the Posse Comitatus Act that will allow a broader use of U.S. military forces in a domestic law enforcement role including a new unit for deployment in assisting civilian officers during a terrorist attack.
The new command, established Oct. 7 in Norfolk, Va., will be called the U.S. Joint Forces Command, and replaces the former U.S. Atlantic Command. At a ceremony commemorating the new unit, Defense Secretary William Cohen told participants the American people shouldn't fear the potential of seeing U.S. military forces on the streets of U.S. cities.

The military must "deal with the threats we are most likely to face," Cohen told reporters, downplaying concerns about troops operating on home soil. "The American people should not be concerned about it. They should welcome it."

The new command is designed to prepare U.S. troops to fight abroad or to respond if terrorists strike with nuclear, chemical or biological weapons.

In opposing the measure, critics cite the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act, which prohibits federal troops from participating in domestic law enforcement activities under most circumstances. With the concern over domestic terrorism rising since the World Trade Center bombing and numerous incidences of cyber-attacks on U.S. defense and financial institutions, the Clinton administration has begun to relax some of those restrictions.

In July, WorldNetDaily reported the new measures would end the requirement for local law agencies to reimburse the federal government for any local use of military equipment, as well as enable the Department of Defense to deploy military troops in cases of anticipated or actual terrorist attacks.

Then, David Kopel of the Independence Institute warned that the measures would, if passed, "set (bad) precedents for years to come."

Since the Waco debacle in 1993, when federal law officers and military personnel assaulted a church community resulting in the deaths of over 80 men, women and children, Kopel said the federal government has been "eroding the protections contained in the Posse Comitatus Act." In the past, he told WorldNetDaily, most of the amendments to the original law had been based on bogus drug issues. Now, he said, that issue seems to have shifted to so-called terrorist attacks, or at least the threat of them.

The Defense Department has said only the military has enough equipment to operate in a poisoned environment, or to manage a massive decontamination effort. Secretary Cohen told reporters last week that federal law will not be violated because the military would only respond if requested.

"It is subordinate to civilian control," he said.

But Gregory Nojeim, legislative counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union in Washington, D.C., told WorldNetDaily he is concerned about "nightmare scenarios" like those in the recent films, "Enemy of the State" and "The Siege."

"Soldiers are not equipped, by training or temperament, to enforce the laws with proper regard for civil and constitutional rights," he said. "They're trained to kill the enemy."

Nojeim said the ACLU is concerned about "letting loose the most effective fighting force in the history of the world" on American civilians.

Cohen said that the creation of the Joint Forces Command would better coordinate the training of the four armed services. However, history is replete with reasons why some Americans continue to be hesitant about using military troops in a law enforcement capacity.

Besides questions about the Army's Delta Force role during the Waco siege, most recently, in 1997, U.S. Marines assigned to assist the U.S. Border Patrol in combating illegal immigration accidentally shot and killed an 18-year-old goat herder. That force has since been withdrawn and reassigned, but lawmakers have remained committed to expanding the military's civil law enforcement role in other ways.

For example, the military also has been given an expanded role in defending against cyber-terrorism, or assaults on U.S. computer systems. The U.S. Space Command in Colorado will be leading that effort.

Nojeim questioned the need for such an expansion of federal military forces into the domestic law enforcement arena, even though U.S. officials have said the nation is now at greater risk of terrorist attack. He also believes the White House should do a better job of educating the American people about why the changes to the Posse Comitatus law are needed.

"For years the federal government has showered the FBI with hundreds of millions of new dollars to help it combat crimes involving chemical and biological weapons," he told WorldNetDaily. "Taxpayers need to know where that money has gone and why the president now wants to call in the troops."

Addressing the long-term ramifications of the change in military law enforcement policy, Nojeim said, "When the crisis hits, those with the biggest guns will be subordinate to no one."



"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
Cohen says, "The American people should not be concerned about it. They should welcome it."

Let's not worry about this folks. After all, these troops will be subject to civilian control. We'll be kept safe by civilians - such moral bastions of integrity as: Cohen, Freeh, Reno, the President (and her husband) .... and these are all honorable men according to Mark Antony.

(Yes I've heard the rumors that Janet and Hillary are actually women - I just haven't seen any proof! ;) )

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited October 13, 1999).]
What crock I would think and hope that they would create and use state or county maintained militia (these are state and county maintained not private) units for this and leave the Military out. Lets see we could recruit people who have Regular 9 to 5 jobs who have previous military experience and training and train them to handle these types of problems. Kind of like a volunteer fire dept. This has several advantages.
1. It does not add new missions to an already over burdened military structure.
2. The people are already close to the site, i.e. they don’t have to spend 5 hours on a plane to get there.
3. You are using people that have a connection to the community
4. They are not under federal control so you don’t have to change the Posse Comitatus Act

In the Bank were I work, just in Information systems we have former Intel annalists, an expert in NBC warfare, people trained in Light Infantry Divisions for counter insurgency and counter terrorists ops in urban areas. Traffic controllers, air, ground, and radio. Most of us were trained during the 80's when military training still meant something. Why can't we create a structure to utilize these people and their training instead of creating a new Military unit that will probably be policing a border in Kosovo when we need it. Lets face it if a problem like this pop up they need lots bodies who know what they are doing fast. No matter where you are these people are a lot closer than Washington DC. Washington wont like it cause they will not have “control” .
I noticed in the news the Pakistani military just overthrew the civilian government. The military in Pakistan was very much involved in internal security.
Alan B,

Thats pretty well put.

Here where I work, without thinking too hard I can think of 1) retired CSM who was elite enough where I don't want to talk about his unit as it could be figured out. 1) general all around Buck Sgt 11B with plenty NBC schools as well as physical security and that rot, 2 ex-rangers enlisted types, one marine commo&crypto lance cpl, umm and others, Oh yeah, one reserve AF sgt (doesn't count :) )

Anyway, my point is, that were there need, and some mandated structure, we could have a drilled and instructed group of people together pretty quickly just out of the group of folks that still have a duffle bag of uniforms. Of the non-ex military folks, there are plenty of mature, competent folks that would understand what they were being told and react well. In short, we could field a militia unit fairly quickly in time of need with any decent extention alert.

And we are nothing but a small 50 person sales firm. No way unique at all.

This is all crap
I recently sat next to gentleman who lobbies for small business in Washington while on a brief flight. He related to me that right now as you read this post, we are in a precarious situation because there is only one political party in D.C. (District of Criminals). This congressional body has but one focus----to maintain their only source of power, the tax system now in place,and to generate more power by stripping away our freedoms in incremental steps. The deployment of our troops on U.S. soil is clearly an afront to the letter and spirit of our Constituion and is part in parcel of a larger political campaign to do away with the sovereignty of the United States.If you witness what has happened to our Constitutional Republic (not democracy dad-gummit!!!)over the past twenty years and still think that things are okay, you are in severe need of oxygen or shock therapy. Our family has secured a residence in the country for just such an occurence where despots like Clinton, Hastert,Rockefeller,Warner,Reno or Lott might see fit to violate Posse Comitatus.

Good Shooting ---- Will Beararms
Watch out, Will Beararms, incoming rounds from some of the members are on the way. I agree 100 per cent with your assesment of our DC criminal one party system. The Republic has been replaced by mob democracy which Will need military force to prop it up as the people wake up to the slave taxation system grinding them down. The real reason to bypass posse commitatus is to control the masses with military might. By militarizing the local policia, another bypass of civilian law has been accomplished.
A WELL REGULATED militia, I believe its called. The states were to organize, supply and train the militia. Instead the federal government has created a new force to see that we [the people] never acheive those objectives on our own. Even the firearms industry seems to be "sketchy". But I'm in for the long haul. Someone made a good point over at that when they outlawed the bayonet, that was the "tripwire". Maybe we'll all wake up before its really too late. God help us.