New member looking for guidance


Hey guys im looking into getting into shooting more. As of now i have been shooting with other people at the range a few times and have used air guns and .22s lot for shooting practice and varmin hunting. I am looking into getting my first gun and possibly ccw. I have shot .45's and .40's a few times as well as a lot of .22. I live and connecticut and want to know how much I should expect to pay for class and permits. I was aslo thinking i would start with a .22 such as a marlin or 10/22 i have shot mainly a marlin .22 and never a 10/22 and i would also like to get a .22 pistol to practice shooting with as that is what i would rather shot. Ideas of this would be something like as 22/45.
So i know this is all scattered thoughts but my main question is how much do you think it will cost me and what am i going to have to deal with in CT as far as regulation go as well as suggestions on where to take these classes i may need.

Hey, lots of good questions and the best thing to do is just what you are doing – research. A Ruger .22 handgun is not a bad place to start. I attached a link to an on-line gun site to give you an idea of the cost. However, cost can vary greatly by region, so spend some time visiting local gun shops.

As for the laws in Connecticut I personally have no idea, but attached a link to and their state specific page to at least get you started. Be sure to research and understand the laws in your area because they can also vary greatly.

Good luck…
Unlike most I will not recommend a 10/22 for a first gun, the Marlin is good, A Henry lever action is good, A savage is a great buy for a first gun for being economical and better out of the box than most.

For a handgun the choice for me is what fits YOUR hand not what everybody else likes. I also suggest that you learn to field strip it before you leave the store with the gun, if the gun is hard to clean you won't clean it and this is not a good thing.

If you were my kid and I was getting you a first handgun it would be a SA revolver to learn on. Everything you learn with that gun will be cheaper and will apply to any other handgun you get after that. Semi's are just to easy to load up a few magazines and then shoot till they are empty. You get more out of it if you are working each and every shot like it was the last shot you will ever get.
Dittos on Old Grump. Shoot as many pistols and revolvers as you can get your hand on.

When I select a pistol, I go through the following drill.

I get a proper grip on the pistol. I check and see if I can touch the trigger without effort, I make sure I can operate the safety, magazine release and the slide release easily. When I establish that I can function the pistol.

Next I check for point ability. The check is fairly simple. I grip the pistol assume a proper stance and align the sites. I then close my eyes and lower the piece. Without opening my eyes I bring the weapon to its firing position. I open my eyes and determine if the are still aligned. If the sites are aligned after numerous attempts then I will consider purchasing the pistol.

As an example the Ruger Redhawk all ways points low and to the left for me. That is why I will not purchase one of these fine pistols for my use.

Each person is different and must determine what works for him or her.