New Marlin Xt-22tr constant FTE....


New member

So, I bought a brand new marlin xt-22tr (tubular mag) from cabalas about 2 weeks ago.

took it out for the first time with some bulk federal ammo, fired about 80rounds no problem. then all the sudden about every 7th or 8th casing would fail to eject. cycling the bolt several times after clearing the magazine it would eventually grab the the casing and eject it.

I chaulked it up to it being a new gun and cheap ammo. so i went home and cleaned it, bought some CCI's and went back to shooting. this time made it to about 50 rounds and then it started its old tricks again :mad:

Took it home and cleaned/oiled it once more, and then right from the get go it would fail to eject every other shot...with CCI mini mags..

I'm calling marlin today to see what they'll do for me. i really dont want to have to send in a brand new gun if i can avoid it. does anyone have any tips for me?


Talked to someone at marlin,.... they basically dont care what the probem is their solution is sending you a shipping label and 4-6 weeks at the factory:mad:
That sucks. I have read bad things about the once good company. I have seen that Remington bought them and quality has gone down. I am thankful my Marlin like yours is from the early 80's.
The CSR's are farmed out...meaning, they don't generally work for Marlin/Remington...just a call center.
Bad idea, IMHO...but it is a way to save money...downside is idiot non-gunners & anti-gunners give lousy phone attitude.

Make sure you put a NOTE in the box that tells the repair guy EXACTLY what it is doing.

Sounds like a weak extractor issue, but who knows until ya get one apart.

Oh, heck, before you send it off...check those divots on each side of the barrel inside the receiver.
If there is ANY grease/gunk/goop in there, it can make the extractors act funny!

Almost forgot about that, been so dang long since I've monkeyed with a new one.
I have been a dedicated Marlin fan since I was a very young kid shooting my dad's very early made Model 60. In the past year I have all but totally lost respect for the company. First I have had problems with 3 of the 4 new rifles I bought from them and the other has had minor issues too. Then when I asked for a replacement of a trigger guard for my 60SS after it pretty much turned to dust in my hand, they told me they weren't in the habit of giving away free parts. So much for a warranty. I had recently asked for a new firing pin for my 795, which broke because the LSHO feature doesn't work right and it dry fires if I don't count every shot, and then I asked for a new trigger guard for the same 795 because the lousy design of that part and the rifle itself almost guarantees it will break. The tg goes around the mag well where it is an eighth of an inch thick plus you have to twist it to get it to come off around the bolt release. The slightest bit of extra exertion (I mean you have to be a surgeon to get it apart) will cause it to break. The tg on my 60SS is made of a type of plastic that has color granules in it that makes it have the texture of a dirt clod. It just crumbled apart in my hand when I was taking a screw out.

Marlin told me they broke if you put too much pressure on them when you put them together and it wasn't their fault. Gee that's weird right there but I was taking mine apart. I do have to say I got a call back from a super just a few minutes later and they told me they would replace my part. That was 4 months ago. I still don't have the part. I called about the tg for the 795 5 months ago. I got it last week finally. I really don't believe I'll ever get that tg for my 60SS.

You know I could almost imagine why they were slow with parts for the 795 because it is an incredibly cheap rifle. But I didn't built it and I didn't sell it with a 5 year warranty. But the 60SS is their most expensive rimfire rifle with the exception of the lever action Model 39 I think. The 60SS costs about $275 most places. And the part they put on it and called it a tg is the biggest joke I've ever seen on any firearm ever.

I would have already bought an XT if not for these problems. Unless Marlin gets it together my life long love affair with their rifles is over. I've bought a bunch of their rifles and I believe that's why that super called me back after being told they wouldn't fix my 60SS. I think he probably looked to see how many rifles of theirs were registered in my name. I've bought a bunch of them over the years. That makes me wonder if they would have treated me the same if I had only bought the one.

Marlin definitely has problems right now. That really stinks because the new XT's should be the design that keeps them going another 50 years. But if they're junk Marlin's history. BTW I bought my own replacement tg for the 60SS from DIP. I bought a new trigger too. They are both far better than the original. Why they couldn't put parts like that on their rifles makes me wonder. Yeah they're selling to a price point but always before they managed to include quality parts in their rifles. Yes they've had plastic tg's for a long time but not like these. The two I had break were absolute junk.
"The CSR's are farmed out...meaning, they don't generally work for Marlin/Remington...just a call center.
Bad idea, IMHO...but it is a way to save money...downside is idiot non-gunners & anti-gunners give lousy phone attitude.

Make sure you put a NOTE in the box that tells the repair guy EXACTLY what it is doing.

Sounds like a weak extractor issue, but who knows until ya get one apart.

Oh, heck, before you send it off...check those divots on each side of the barrel inside the receiver.
If there is ANY grease/gunk/goop in there, it can make the extractors act funny!
Almost forgot about that, been so dang long since I've monkeyed with a new one."

Thanks for the help man, I dont know if any gunk or buildup could survive 3 cleanings and >500 rounds but ill sure check. I Love the gun when it works but i would be lying is i said i dont have an inkling of buyers remorse. hell the finish on the bolt itself is halfway worn off and its still brand new... I guess I just need to go with the flow and hope the factory gets it taken care of.

Also, I was at dicks last night to pick up some more ammo and i couldn't help but notice a marlin 795 on sale for $139. I couldn't pass it up so i hope i didn't make the same mistake twice.

The model on the shelf worked and looks good, the first boxed one they tried to sell me though was broken :rolleyes: the bolt would not slide forward. Really makes me wonder about Marlin. Despite that though i did bite the bullet and purchased the second one they showed me which worked correctly.

I'll report back tonight of if it operated without issue or not.
well the model 795 operated flawlessly.... fun little gun.

anways im still trying to avoid sending this stupid thing away for a month and a half. any chance purchansing a new bolt may correct the issue? wondering how much one could cost?
Could you get a refund on the first gun? I would guess not. Since you have a good .22 now I would send the first one back then trade for something I dont have.
I wouldn't think the bolts cost all that much but you have a 5 year warranty on that rifle. The repair centers may be much better than the call centers for all I know. I'd keep the second one and send the first one back and hope for the best.

BTW you know there is a $25 rebate on those 795's, right? Looks like they're still going through the end of the year. Here's where the rebate form is:
The new Rem-Lin plant is going to go thru some growing pains...and chances are fairly high they'll either fix it,
or send him a new replacement rifle...both things have happened over the last few months.
Marlin's new factories are going to take a little time to get their people trained and get things to a normal rate...
its like that with ANY metal manufacturer...ever wonder why folks say never to buy the First year vehicle??
New MFR'ing lines take awhile to get get their boogie down...

I've yet to see any mistakes Rem-Lin's made that couldn't be resolved by a few parts/elbow grease...
although the same could be said for the 2005-2010 Marlins made when all the workers were peeved because of the impending sale ;)

Recently I monkeyed around with 3 spanking new XT-22's at a local shop. Out of the three, only one had an issue,
which was resolved after the shop owner reset the action in the stock, as the stock/action screws weren't set properly
from the easy resolution :)

Bearing in mind that these are truly inexpensive rifles for what they can do precision-wise...
ya gotta know they ain't spending a lotta money on QC. But they are getting better,
as they receive reports from the consumers.

Much like the Chevy Venture...the first years sucked...given time, they get really nice in later years. :)
Long time since the last post on this thread, but I've been looking at getting the XT22TR because it is stated for use with any size .22 ammo other than magnum, and I've found in my search for .22 ammo it is often easier to find .22Long and .22Short than it is .22LR. And the weaker ammo still works fine for small game in my experience.
I figure in the time since the OP's post they probably have gotten the rifle to operate fine. At least I hope so.