NEW Mark IV 22/45 Announced

Looks like somebody took the slide off a 1911 and tried to install a Buck Rogers ray gun ...

It should include a Captain Video decoder ring.
I have a 22/45 Lite and like the new model except for the mandatory lightening holes. Aside from those being hideous dirt magnets, how light does a synthetic and aluminum .22 pistol need to be??? I could even live with the copper color (I own a smurf Beretta for god's sake), but those holes, ugh.
Why do all these new .22s have to look so damn ugly?

I long for the days of High Standards and Colt Woodsmans.

You know, back when .22 autopistols didin't look like pieces of industrial equipment.
Wow, pulling out the Buck Rodgers ray gun looking Woodsman/Hi Standard to impugn the looks of the excellent Ruger Mk X: amazing.

I'm not wild about the lightening holes, but the sights, grip angle/controls, and the ability to easily thread on a suppressor are mighty nice.
Ill stick to this MK1 though I am sure it is considerably heavier.

Or this Beretta model 948

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Trying to find something nice to say about it....but that pistol is so ugly!

They gotta do something to mate the frame to the barrel. Some kind of smoothing contour, or something. I dunno.....
I like Rugers and own a number of them . . . but no thanks on this one. I'll stick to my MIII Target and if I get another one, it will be the traditional one like Texas45 shows. Maybe Ruger is aiming for the youngsters but to me, it looks like a pro off a SciFi movie. :eek::rolleyes:
good lord people. it's the 22/45 lite. they've always been ugly and every year they come out with a different lightening cut pattern and set of colors. they are still going to have the standard profile barrels and colors available after they work out tooling.


I was hoping they would come out with a 45/22 in the MK IV.

For me, the ambidextrous safety is the single best selling point.