New M1A


New member
I just got home with my new rifle. Would have had it fri, but the gov did'nt want to insult a couple thousand"moms".Any advice or tips on these rifles would be greatly appreciated. BTW, it is the standard, not loaded, synthetic. Thanks, Terry
Terry, wish I was there to see the smile on your face. I have an HK, and AR, and the M1A is still the favorite. Get some targets from FRED, found in Shotgun News.

Remember this:

2-3 for 300
3-4 for 400
4-5 for 500

These are the "come-ups" in clicks for shooting after getting a zero at 100.

You're gonna love it. The way a battle rifle should be. All the best aspects of the Garand, with a 20 rd. Magazine. Speaking of those, AVOID the USA brand. They're crap. Get the GI issue mags. They're $40, but worth every penny.

Put in another post when you go light it off!

Slim, out.
I always like it when someone announces a new M1A - seems an appropriate occasion to pass out the cigars!

As with all firearms, I suggest you memorize the manual and disassemble/assemble the rifle until you can do it behind your back. This won't harm the rifle, especially since you have the synthetic stock. Numerous disassemblies of a wood stock (especially the trigger group) can damge the wood through compression and abrasion.

There are a few tools you must have to maintain its operation. Get a gas piston/barrel vice (a little wrench-like gadget) that prevents torquing the gas piston when removing the piston plug. Also get the little hand drills to clean the carbon from the gas system.

Use a high quality grease on all moving parts and friction surfaces, not oil. Also, do not lubricate the gas piston - it will foul quickly. When cleaning the rifle, turn the open action down to prevent solvents and oils from entering the gas system port - and get a Dewey coated rod with a muzzle guide for cleaning.

I believe your stock barrel is 1 in 10 twist, so I recommend 168 gr bullets. Purchase only USGI 20-round magazines. The after market ones are often reported to be unreliable, and you don't want to add a weak link to an excellent rifle.

Did I forget anything - oh yea, have fun!

I'd recommend Scott Duff's "M14 Owners Guide" as it has all you need to know for the care and feeding of your M1A. It also includes accurizing tips. Enjoy!


Those USGI used to sit mouldering on the tables at the Soldier of Fortune gun show, priced at $7.95 new in wrapper.

The 1994 magazine "ban" (just stopped new production for us peons) may have been exactly what these vultures in the gun trade wanted.

$32 each for USED?!

Watch out for the false statistics to fly starting late 2002, so they can extend the magazine "ban" past 2004.

Excuse me while I puke.
you will love it, and take noban's advice and mine keep it clean and lubed, it will work for ever. i promise in times.
If I did own I M1A, I would have just bought six of the very-good to excellent USGI mags from Cole Distributing for $191.70 delivered. Unfortunately I live in PRK and that would not be legal. However I have a friend in Nevada who just ordered those same mags for a M1A he doesn't own. Funny how my next trip to Vegas I might just find that somehow those mags ended up in the trunk and they have been there since I bought the car in 1994!

Have fun with that gun!
Congratulations and welcome to the club. you are the proud owner of an excellent battle rifle in a non-varmint caliber. With it's combination of 20 rds, excellent accuracy and .308 caliber you are able to engage targets well beyond the ranges the AR and it's clones. This is very comforting to me. Remember: "If you're not shooting, you should be reloading. If your not reloading, you should be moving. If you not shooting, reloading or moving, somebodies gonna cut your head off and put it on a stick!

"Every normal man must be tempted, at times to spit on his hands,hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats." H.L. Mencken
Congrats! Now you gotta' let us know how it shoots, and we can help you accurize that Standard, IF it needs it. ;)

"Rise like lions after slumber in invanquishable number - Shake your chains to earth like dew which in sleep had fallen on you - Ye are many - They are few."
-Percy Bysshe Shelly (1792-1822)