New M1 Garand Blues


I have just recieved my new (CMP) M1 Garand from Fed-x. I have always heared that you get your best accuracy when you seat your bullet .010 off of the rifleing. I have found that this rifle has the rifleing very deep in the barrel (the barrel looks to be new), And no matter how shallow you seat your bullet, It is completely out of the case before it makes contact with the rifleing. Are ALL M1's like this?. Is something Screwed up with my barrel? Isnt it wrong for the bullet to have to "jump" from the case before making contact with the rifleing? CRASH36

The secret to life is very simple; You get back what you put in, And people get what they deserve.
I don't know the answer to your problem. But in your signature line...the only people who unfailingly get what they deserve are the fools among us :)
Why don't you try shooting it with GI ammo first, and see what happens? Barrel leade can vary and some barrels with a lot of leade can be quite accurate. Throat erosion can affect accuracy also, but you say the barrel is new.

I don't mean this unkindly, but I suspect we have here a situation all too common with CMP M1 buyers. It is, dear Watson, a case of too much reading and too little shooting.

Probably for safety reasons, your barrel has a long leade.
No problem, just seat your bullets to the crimping ring and concentrate on the many other tweeks to get your M-1 to shoot good.
Amount & types of powders, make of primers, bullet style, weight & manufacture,casing brand & preparation, etc, etc.
Have fun,be safe. ;)

Ralph in In.
Crash36, I will wholeheartily agree with Jim on this one. I usually shoot surplus ammo in my several M1 rifles I have reloaded for them as well. I also can't figure out your shallow and deep reference?
Please shoot it and then come back here.

Enjoy and Good Shooting!

[This message has been edited by HankL (edited September 01, 1999).]

As a precautionary note on handloads, load them to GI specs. The Garand was designed to operate within the pressures of the M2 bullet. Too low and you may experience reliability problems. Too high and you'll pound your beloved apart.


Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Gary, I'm sorry. I did not mean to imply that we all start hand loading for our M1's or anything else. The gas pulse on a Garrand is something to behold! I'm just saying shoot that puppy with MilSpec ammo before crying about the leade on the chamber.

What I am saying is if you are suspect of the rifle send it to a smith. The DCM shipped firearms that were ready to go. I don't know whats up now.

Roy Weatherby loved a little jump from time to time didn't he!

Shoot that puppy with MilSpec Ammo and repost!

Well Gang, I do appreciate all of the input, But i am very use to loading .223 ammo for benchrest competition (.010 off the rifleing for my remington 700) and just wondered if i could be getting better accuracy from my new M1. I have shot my M1 once before posting my question, And my new rifle shoots very well, Atleast , as well as i can fire it. When i checked my OAL guage, I just wanted to make sure there wasnt anything wrong or unsafe about my rifle having that much lead.
I will shoot it again in a few weeks and check my new reloads for accuracy. Though some of you hit the nale on the head, I AM a technical nit picker, And do way too much reading of data and try to apply it to all. But as long as my new M1 shoots as well as it does, Im not going to worry about it too much, I just wanted to make sure (A)All M1's were made like this, & (B) My rifle was safe to fire in this condition.
Thanks for the help folks, The slander didnt hurt much either :o CRASH!

The secret to life is very simple; You get back what you put in, And people get what they deserve.

[This message has been edited by CRASH36 (edited September 01, 1999).]

The secret to life is very simple; You get back what you put in, And people get what they deserve.
Help my memory, and let me be lazy: What's the "inches per click" or clicks per inch on the standard Garand sight?