New laws here in IL (cook county)

Miss Demeanors

New member
This was in the Chicago Tribune yesterday. I was going to write about CCW's and how I think they are important here in IL, but fat chance of that ever happening. :(

County board approves
new gun laws

By Rick Hepp
Tribune Staff Writer
November 23, 1999

The Cook County Board of Commissioners today
adopted a gun-control package that includes raising the
legal age for buying a gun and imposing new restrictions
on gun dealers.

Board President John Stroger said the ordinance is
"more comprehensive" than existing county and state

The ordinance, which goes into effect in about seven
months, covers 80 municipalities and unincorporated
areas of the county that do not have gun-control laws.

"It has more teeth and (will have a) broader impact on
controlling guns," Stroger said. "We hope it will be more
affective and reduce the incidence of guns and violence
in our community."

Under the new regulations, a gun buyer must be 21
years old -- an increase from 18 years old -- and can
purchase only one firearm per month. The buyer must
provide fingerprints and a current driver's license or state
identification card and answer probing background
questions before a purchase can be made.

"There is nothing that covers your constitutional right to
posses a gun," said David A. Bonoma, the director of
intergovernmental affairs with the Cook County state's
attorney's office. "They just have to pass comprehensive
background checks to get their gun."

The ordinance also bans the opening of new gun
dealerships, although existing dealers in good standing
could expand their locations within the county.

Currently, there are 109 federally licensed gun dealers in
the county. As of today, only 10 of those licensed
dealers were located in areas where the ordinance
applies, Bonoma said.

The new regulations revoke the license of any dealer
who knowingly sells to a "straw" purchaser -- a legal
buyer who purchases firearms on behalf of a person
who cannot buy them legally.

Other provisions include:

Requiring a safety mechanism such as a trigger lock to
be used at all times when transferring a gun from place
to place.

Requiring dealers to pay $1,000, up from $500, as an
annual licensing fee. Gun shops can get a $500 rebate if
they purchase new electronic equipment that transfers a
digital image of a prospective buyer's fingerprints and
photo ID to the Illinois State Police as part of the
background check.

Limiting any new dealer licenses from being issued
within five miles of an existing gun shop or within one
mile of a school or park.

Limiting the number of gun shows that can be held at
any site to four within six months.

Denying a dealer license or gun show permit to any
applicant or relative of an applicant who has ever had a
license suspended or revoked.
Miss D...

I was getting my shoes shined one day Downtown at my favorite shoe shine stand, and in walks John Stroeger (Cook County Board President), who by the way, was running for re-election at that time. He was accompanied by two very large intimidating plain clothes bodyguards who were most certainly packing due to their waist height bulges in their suit coats. They just stood by while Johnny boy got his shoes shined.

At a recent anti-gun rally in Chicago, all of these County and City politicians were present, as were their armed bodyguards and hundreds of armed police.

One would think before making a decision to limit firearms to Chicagoans, the County Board would take a field trip to some of the inner City guettos on a hot summer friday night. After that tour, they'd all want to be armed.

On another note, some years back, a friend of mine and I were going out for some friday night skirt chasing. As we walked from his goldcoast apartment, we were approached by a scrawny dirty little black punk who walked closely behind us. My friend and I are both very big athletic guys. This punk finally caught up to us where he was now walking along side of us. He started mumbling something and I asked what he wanted. He said, "You know you guys have to be careful, you never know who may be carrying a gun or a knife down here." At the completion of that statement, I reached into the inside of my overcoat and looked him in the eye. I said firmly, "Yeah, you just never know who might be carrying a GUN these days!" With that he got in front of us, and my buddy and I said "let's break this f'in guy in half". We ended up chasing (flat out running) him for a block until he ran into the vestibule of a local eatery yelling for help. We both shook our heads in disbelief, how a guy like that would pick two linebacker types to play his little game of intimidation.

Since then, I've never had anything come even close to that, on the streets of Chicago. The problem with guns in Chicago and Cook County is not with the law abiding folks, its with the gangs. As in any other large city, gangbangers rule with no regard for human life. Hence, many innocents are caught in gang crossfire every year. The attack should be focused on gangs, not the potential victims. Such backwards government we have.
I couldnt agree more Paul Revere! Every time the news comes on and someone has been shot where is it? Usually on the south or west side and 99% it is gang related. Cabrini is the worst. I remember some 'friends' thought it was funny to drop me off at that stop light in front of the complex while they drove around the block. In the distance you could hear yelling and a few shots. From what I heard (at that time) even the police were afraid to go in there. Sure hope Storger provides armed body guards for me, but he wont so I will not go downtown or anywhere near the south side again. I've seen the 'thugs' down there plenty of times, especially by the EL, your only hope is to pray the next train gets there quick! What a great city.
Paul Revere, might I suggest this approach next time.

In your best lisp and holding your friends hand.

'Oh, my, you mean it is dangerous around here? Well if someone try's to attack us they can just have my gold Rolex President and even though I just cashed my paycheck they can have the money too. Nothing I own is worth getting hurt over, I'll just buy another watch. I just couldn't stand to see my friend hurt, we are very much in love you see.'

I know of a gentleman who uses this on a regular basis on trips to Atlanta just for fun. Sometimes people try to take him up on it (BIG mistake), some think it suspiscious and walk off.
That's depressing Miss D! Man, am I thankful I live in TX (not to rub it in of course).

It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant people can be. The part that really burns me up, is that, just to get a gun you have to submit your FP's and DL, and only purchase one a month, and "There is nothing that covers your constitutional right to posses a gun,"..."They just have to pass comprehensive background checks to get their gun." AARRGHHH!

The only things that will have more teeth will be the gang-bangers! IL seems to be going the way of Kalifornia more and more... :(

"Liberty or death, What we so proudly hail... Once you provoke Her, rattling of Her tail- Never begins it, NEVER- But once engaged never surrenders, showing the fangs of rage. DON'T TREAD ON ME!!
The situation re gun crime, that is shootings and robbery at gun point in Chicago area is pretty bad, is it not?? Correction please, if warranted.

There are endless "gun control laws" in force there, and in Cook County, not to mention in the state, yet criminals keep on acting like criminals, isn't that strange.

Now comes this Cook County Board of Commissioners, with a plethora of new restrictions, which obviously will effect only the law abiding.

Where do these characters come from, are they elected, or do they spring, fully empowered, from some cabbage patch?

Now then law abiding citizens, who also are gun owners or shooters may be a minority in that area (Chicago and Cook County), but what about the rest of the citizenry, the law abiding portion thereof, who despite the seemingly ever presrent cry for, and seemingly the enactment of more "gun laws", see the ongoing action of criminals.

Don't they, at election time at least, ever wise up to the fact that some people are selling them a "bill of goods", re gun laws proposed and enacted, and try something new, in the way of the make-up of local government, or are they that dumb?

This last characterization is not intended to offend anyone in particular, I'm just curious, perhaps thick headed too, but certainly curious.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them.
Thomas Paine 1775[/quote]
Thomas Paine gives an excellent description of most areas where guns are restricted.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.
Miss D, This is disturbing.
As A "downstate" rural Illinoisan, I am not directly subjected to Cook Co laws and politics, but Chicago seems to have growing influence on the rest of the state.
It doesn't help to have a repub. Gov. that acts alot like a Chicago Dem.
I'll keep supporting the NRA and ISRA, but if I sell my business here, there are friendlier states for freedom lovers.
"The new regulations revoke the license of any dealer who knowingly sells to a 'straw' purchaser -- a legal buyer who purchases firearms on behalf of a person who cannot buy them legally."

How can Cook Co. revoke the FFL of any gun dealer? Or is there maybe some other license you have to get from the county to operate a gun shop there? Sounds like this part, at least, wouldn't stand up to even 1s. of judicial review.

Lady Justice has been raped, truth assassin;
Rolls of red tape seal your lips, now you're done in;
Their money tips her scales again, make your deal;
Just what is truth? I cannot tell, cannot feel.

The ultimate in vanity
Exploiting their supremacy
I can't believe the things you say
I can't believe, I can't believe the price we pay- nothing can save us
Justice is lost, Justice is raped, Justice is gone
Pulling your strings,Justice is done...
Seeking no truth, winning is all,
Find it so grim, so true, so real....

If it isna Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!
Perhaps I should change my handle to "King of the Duplicate Posts". :o

[This message has been edited by Jedi Oomodo (edited November 27, 1999).]
If I lived in Cook County ,which thank God I don't, First, I'd make it my business to vote
The Cook County Commissioners out of office,
as they all deserve to loose their jobs for ruining Cook County and turning it into a safe working envirement for armed felons and
disarming of the law abiding victims.

Their BAD LAW is aimed squarely at the LAW ABIDING and gleefully surported by felons.

In case you all didn't notice........

$1000.oo yearly licensing fee for FFL DEALERS
means you have to sell the first 20 guns at
a $50.oo profit per gun , just to pay for the licensing fee...before you make your first cent!!Add to this the 35.oo UPS per handgun
overnite air shipment fee. The price of handguns shall rise greatly.
Add to this the mfg increase in wholesale price due to lawsuit (defense lawyers)and gun shop libility insurance.

This leads me to believe that a $100.oo over cost per handgun will be necessary in order to remain solvent.

Gun sales are limited to 1 per month, so a dealer can not make up the increased cost of doing business by increasing sales, mark up per handgun up to 150.oo over cost to remain in business.

Gun owners are historically cheap
and fickle with little customer loyality and
the Cook County Board know this.Gun buyers
will be going outside the cook county area
to save 50 or 100 on the price of a gun.

Law bans opening of new gun shops.

No GUN DEALER within 5 miles of existing gun shop or 1 mile of school or park.Here will be comflicts where existing gun shops are within
1 mile of school or park or within 5 miles of each other.

Revokes lic. of any dealer knowingly selling
to legal buyer who is purching for some one
else. Here lies an entrapment awaiting the trapping thereof. How do you prove that you did not know that the undercover informant
(read legal buyer put up to purchasing a firearm for a disallowed buyer by the police
for purposes of ffl dealer entrapment)....
You get the inference, here.

Prognososis: Most gun dealers in the Cook County area will be forced out of business because they will not be able to economically compete under the 1000.oo yearly
lic.burden with-- (out of county)burden free dealers.

Req use of a trigger lock in all gun transport from place to place. How many will get arrested for transporting without a TRIGGER LOCK? Gun dealers will need to insure that all firearms leaving their premises have a trigger lock installed of face arrest & loss of license= out of business.

A fine trap has been set for the Cook County Gun Dealers ensuring a gun shop free
county and yet allowing all the criminals to remain fully armed with as many of the weapons of their choice as they like.


[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited December 02, 1999).]