New law in florida

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My representitive Mrs. porter sectetary just sent me an update on the SB-234.Mr.Adams said that The Gov.Scott signed into law the 17th of June 2011 the SB-234. which protects from accidental showing of firearm and It is not open carry. Well this is a great start for those that wear and train.
No, this is what the NRA-ILA used to screw us.
Next time someone tries to put up a open carry bill you're going to hear "we just passed one"

This thing has effectively killed open carry for a decade.

CC carries a great amount of public support, from all political sides. OC just does not have that level of support or demand. I know alot of CC folks, alot; but none have ever expressed they want to OC, nor have I ever had the conversation other than here in these forums.

But, I do understand that I'm just one guy, maybe the situation is different elsewhere.

If you saw 50 people at a mall, 20 of which had a pistolla on their side in plain site, knowing that according to law ANYONE could carry as such, would you feel more secure, or a little apprehensive about one, or two, or more, of them concerning intent, or attitude?????

At least with a CC permit you do have to pass a few extra prerequisites!!

Just the way I look at it! I'm ducking now:D
At least with a CC permit you do have to pass a few extra prerequisites!!

The way the Florida bill was originally written, it only allowed OC for valid permit holders...They would have went through the same "few extra prerequisites" and would have had a choice to CC or OC, depending on their location.

As for your analogy, regarding 40% of the mall patrons, if they all had permits and you saw that many carrying openly, that must mean that the other 60% were carrying concealed...! :D !
They pass a law that protects CCW holders from being jacked up over a accidental showing of the concealed firearm sounds like one on the plus column to me.

Im not sure an open carry bill would have passed in Florida. So I have a hard time understanding the resentment and complaining about it. I wouldn't blame the NRA-ILA for not putting money and time into a fight they knew they couldnt win before the start. if you and the others feel this way then dont wait for the NRA-ILA start a grass roots movement. Without the political pressure being put on legislators and the Governor's office to pass open carry all the money and time in the world from the NRA-ILA isnt going to make it happen.

I would like an open carry law here in Texas. You dont hear me complaining about the parking lot bill being passed or the NRA-ILA selling us out.
Just my opinion and 2C.

I live in NY and am legal in about 40 States (give or take a few).

It's nobodys business what you do or don't have upon your person. OC is absurd and makes the person with the gun a target. Whether by somebody saying they were threatened or the thug holding the store up that puts the bead on you first because they see it!

CC should be the rule Nation wide! It's the only thing NY has done right in my opinion.
AFS, your position is short-sighted, if not entirely inaccurate. Yes, OC was thrown under the bus... after it became obvious that it couldn't pass. It enjoyed no popular support. If you really want OC to pass, then you and your friends need to drum up the grass-roots support before legislators try to put legislation forward. The reverse order tends to fail with a boring regularity.

machiasmort, your position is also weak, IMO. I am not a fan of OC, for tactical reasons, but I also think gun owners should prevent a more unified front. How many times have we had handgun rights chiseled away, because bolt-action rifle and shotgun hunters weren't concerned about handguns? Antis love divide and conquer... hey, it worked for Julius Caesar against the Gauls, and it still works today, against all sorts of groups - including gun owners.

I think OC should be legal, but I generally would not exercise OC myself.

And I think that anybody who really wants to get OC in their state, needs to everything they can to gain popular support first, so when legislators test the waters, they actually think they can pass the bills.

I CCW and do not OC but I wanted to tell you I disagree with your viewpoint before I hit-the-sack. "There's a time & place..." OC has it's time and place. America has many variances in it's abundance. To condemn the practice is wrong.
There are a lot of states with open carry in effect already. You can argue it either way if its good or bad. I don't think we have enough information to prove either argument decisively. If a person wants to OC that is their decision. We can disagree with each other but in the end we are all in the same gun rights boat so aying that it is wrong and should not be allowed is probably the wrong way to go about it.

My personal reason for not carrying an open weapon is if somebody were to case a place to rob and there I was in open carry mode I probably moved up as a priority target. However, the argument could be made that the people would move on to another target.
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