New Kel-Ted P11 shots fired

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New member
I got a new Kel-Ted P-11 today and went straight to the range. I shot 50 rds of 115gr fmj and 50 rds of 115gr jhp, and no feed problems. Recoil is not all that bad, thou worse than any of my mid and full size 9's of course. The worst part of the recoil seems to be on your trigger finger, so I went to the dealer after my range session and ordered a trigger shoe for the gun, anyone tried these? I hope this will help a little bit. Accuracy was just mediocre with this gun, although maybe I just have to get used to it, (I'm used to my 1911's) and 2" groups. Anybody have any input regarding the trigger pull and what has helped you.
Rod Black
Rod, I don't like the way the shoe fits. I tried one and promptly removed it. There is not much contact area for the screws to bite, not to mention you are screwing into plastic. You might try different ammo as my P11 is very accurate. I shoot my P11 enough to be comfortable with it ,but it is not a gun you would take to the range and shoot hundreds of rounds thru at a time.
yeah... but what's the RECOIL like? I want to know about the RECOIL! ;)

just kidding Shortfuse,

AOL IM: BenK911
ICQ # 53788523
"Gun Control Is Being Able To Hit Your Target"
Have had one for about two years. From what I learned by experience and more by perusing the the KTOG group, is that the long trigger pull takes some getting used to before accuracy improves. The repeated word is practice, practice, practice. It is an unusual feel, a long, heavy 8.5 pounds, double action trigger, especially if you are not a wheel gun fan. But, you will either master it or pass it on.

I do recommend looking into what KTOG calls fluff and buff. Most recent serial number P11's don't need it for out of box fine performance. But, to plagiarize from two long time KTOG sages, WD Bell and Jack Fusilier, the fluff and buff greatly shortens the break in period, improves basic performance and makes sure you are shooting with a clean and properly lubed gun.

Have fun with your new P11 and let us know what serial number series its in. I understand they are well up near the 80XXX's now. Mine, bought used when the original owner messed it up and turned it in, after a Kel Tec rebuild, is a serial number 24XXX range.

Jim in IN

I have problems to, when it comes to the trigger.
At times my finger gets pinched inbetween the trigger and guard.
I must admit that I have big hands.
The shoe did nothing for me.

I do not agree with JJB, as with the out of the box excellence.
Just lately, I have seen some new Kel Tech owners at the range with all sorts of problems.
(That includes mine, and mine is not new!)
Yes, the trigger does take some getting use to but with a "fluff & buff" treatment some good lube (I use Wilson's) I brought the pull down to 7 1/2# and smooth as a baby's butt.

I tried a couple of hundred rounds with and without the trigger shoe and found it seemed to help for me. Put the screws in with blue Locktite and countersink the holes in the trigger slightly and you shouldn't have any problems.

I personally think you have a fine piece of equipment there. I'm sure not a gunsmith by any means, just a long time tinkerer but if I can help drop me a note direct.
Thanks for all the input on the P-11, hopefully in time I will get used to the trigger. The gun has a good grip and is easy to conceal so I'm sure I'll keep practicing until I get it right. The pull on the trigger does seem to be pretty smooth alllllllllll the way back thou. Rod Black
I got the trigger shoe for my P11 and really like it. I was having trouble early on where I would pull the trigger and it wouldn't fire when I thought I had pulled the trigger all the way back. For some reason I wasn't able to get proper leverage to pull the trigger all the way back every time.

With the trigger shoe, I am able to get a full pull easily. My accuracy has really improved. At 25 ft., with slow fire I am able to get bulls eyes fairly often. I have not done the fluff and buff, and I don't feel I need it.

Reliability has been very good with the standard mags. Oh, and for Shortfuse, the recoil is very mild with standard rounds. When I shoot +P, there is more kick, but nothing near the blast and recoil I get from my S&W M686 Plus. Not punishing at all. Oh, once I shot about 100 rounds of +P and had an abrasion on my thumb knuckle afterwards.

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