New Kel-Tec P-32

Doug S

New member
After considering all of the responses I received about the Guardian versus the P-32, I finally decided on the Kel-Tec. I was able to compare both of these pistols side by side. I must admit that the Guardian looks to be very well made and appeals a bit more to my eye. I also prefer the Guardian's overall size, but the weight and width of the P-32 were deciding factors. I also like the idea of a 10 round magazine for the Kel-Tec. Also two friends recently picked up p-32's. They are both very happy with them and have not had any problems. A local gun shop had a blued P-32 with the black grip for $239.00 which seemed pretty resonable. I will be picking it up tomorrow afternoon. Thanks again for all the opinions.
Send it in to KT with $20 if you want to get the chrome. Call first to make sure they have chrome in stock before you do, sometimes they're out for a few weeks.
Decided on a holster yet?
I bought a P32 the other day myself. I think the clip offered by Kel-Tec is the only way to go for carry, but today at the gun show I bought a Keydec neck holster for mine. I am a sucker for gun accessories and this one sucked me right in. I am not sure how practical it is. You wear the gun around your neck like a necklace. The gun is held so the barrel is sticking straight up. You reach under your shirt and pull straight down. Of course there is a lump in your shirt where the gun is, but it isn't all that bad, and certainly not in a place where anyone would suspect that you have a gun. Neat toy.
Ditto to what Alamo said.

It's summer now and the $20.00 you spend for the hard chrome upgrade will be well worth it if you plan to carry your new P-32 in your pocket. (No rust) I bet they have the new parts to you within a week.

I have had Kel-Teks with blued finish rust when a kid would spill his pop on my lap.

Some say to get the parkerized Kel-Teks, some say to put Lemon Pledge wax on the slide [the frame is plastic].

Lately, I have been avoiding kids with pop.
Let me get this straight.

You wear the gun with the barrel pointing up under your chin dangling off a piece of string that's round your neck, errrrm, ok, great holster.

Seriously though, that violates just about every gun safety rule ever invented, because by definition you are sweeping something (your melon) with the barrel that I assume you are not willing to destroy.

Thunder Ranch, Gunsite and all the other training establishments don't even sanction holsters that CAUSE the owner to sweep their body as the weapon is drawn, for example a right hand, canted small of the back carry, where you sweep the renal, and then abdominal areas when drawing.

I'm sorry, but I think that holster is downright crazy, I sincerely hope I'm mistaken.

Stay safe

Mike H
Just picked up the P-32. I think I'm really going to like this pistol. I paid $10 extra for the belt clip and had the dealer put it on. I'll most likely send it in for the chrome upgrade at some point, but I'd like to play around with the pistol for a while first.
Mike: The beauty of the whole thing is that it is my head the barrel is pointing at, and contrary to everything taught by the liberals today, I am responsible for my own safety. As my mother used to tell me, I am a big boy. I don't rely on Thunder Ranch to tell me that. The boys at Thunder Ranch certainly can make their own decisions about how they carry, I prefer to make my own. One thing I am happy about is that my head doesn't stick out past my chest.
The same suicide special holster is available for the NAA mini-revolvers. It doesn't seem like a very good idea for them either. Unless you have a really pressing need for deep, deep, DEEP concealment of a firearm (like you are an undercover cop), I can't see why you would want to carry a pistol like the P-32 in a position where an AD is going to have an excellent chance of a 1-shot stop on YOU. As far as concealment goes, as cheap and easily available as metal detector wands are, anybody can have one. Dance clubs have them, schools have them, police have them. It seems that folks on the other side of the law (e.g. organized criminals, big time drug dealers, etc.) are probably bright enough to buy and use them, too. If I needed a deeply concealed piece, I'd opt to carry it someplace where I could reach it easily and I wasn't pointing it right at my brain, since anybody who searches you and means it will find the gun anyway.
Mike H...

It's EXACTLY what you think it is... Scary, huh? I decided against one for that reason.

The website says they'll be making one that points to the side (also like the NAA Mini's), which means you're only pointing at other people. But when you think about it, when you carry in front pocket, and you're sitting down at a table with someone across from you, you're pointing at them.
I prefer the crotch holster for deep concealment. Contrary to popular opinion, it doesn't actually point at the family jewels most of the time, and most holsters point the gun at part of your body at some point. It's also pretty easy to draw from, and offers concealment equal to the suicide necklace previously described, even for somewhat larger guns. :)
Do they have a Temple holster? One that attaches to the brim of a Cowboy hat pointed straight at your noggin? Would be neat to have a drawstring attached to the trigger. When things start getting tough, pull the cable and it's all over! Sheez, what a thought!

Watched "History of the Gun" the other day. They showed a drawing of a cannon concealed in a hat. The premise was that it would drop down and fire. I'm wondering if a similar setup with remote control and laser aimer might not work for concealed carry? Use your cell phone to fire?!! Then again, why not conceal the gun in a fake cell phone?
I prefer the rectal holster for very deep concealment. Difficult to draw? yes, but very well concealed. Your walk may give you away though.
Badger - In fact there is a cell phone gun. Something appeared on one of these boards about it. Made in some renegade Balkan country, I believe. U.S. Customs found a bunch of 'em being smuggled in. Single-shot .22 out the hollow "antenna." I can imagine the standard cop's testimony once these things become popular: "Your honor, I shot him when I saw him reach for his cell phone. He pointed it sideways at me."
Don't forget the eastern European keyfob gun that was in the news about a year ago. It was a little rectangular plastic gadget on a keychain that originally was designed to fire teargas cartridges. Apparently, it would also chamber and fire ball cartridges, too. The caliber was something like .38 S&W, I think. There was some question about whether said gadget was safe to fire with the ball cartridges. Didn't hear much about them after the initial news story, guess they turned out not to be the weapon of choice for international terrorists and other criminals, after all.
I was re-reading my earlier post and it sounded kind of abrubt. I unfortunatly have a tendency to say exactly what is on my mind and to people that don't know me (and probably don't want to know me) I come off the wrong way. The point is, that it is up to the owner of the holster to make it as safe as possible. In this case I think it would be wise to have an unloaded chamber if you felt the need to use/carry this type of holster. However, I think the holster/gun are about as safe as you can get. The gun has an eight pound trigger pull which is very long, being DAO and the holster completely covers the trigger. In addition, it would seem to me that being in the center of your chest would be the least likely place for the trigger to catch on something and be depressed accidentily. I don't carry this particular gun and bought the holster more as a novelty. If you want to take the rules of gun safety to the strictest level, you could never obey them all. For example, as was mentioned in a previous post, no matter what kind of holster you use, the gun is going to be pointed either at a part of your body or at something/someone you don't wish to shoot. My CCW allows me two carry guns. I carry them both in Milt Sparks Summer Special IWB holsters behind my strong side hip. This is pointing directly at my rear end the whole time I am wearing it. Hell, the guns in my safe are pointed at something I don't wish to shoot right now since I don't want to shoot my safe. Again, it is up to us to decide what degree of risk we are willing to accept, and make every effort to make that method of carry as safe as it can be.
I hate to get off of the subject, but:
Doug S.,
Congrats on your new P32. You will be pleased.

I like NAA guns, and was on a waiting list for a year to get my Guardian.

I never got used to having 1 pound of steel in my pocket.
It works for many people, just not for me.

The grip screws on mine would come loose each time a few rounds were fired.

My extractor fell out, then I noticed that the Gun Tests review had pics of the gun they tested, and it's extractor was missing also.

Sent mine back to the factory twice, ($25 a pop) for feeding problems. Still had the problems when I sold it and got my P32.

Kicked like a mule.
. . . .
Now, my P32 is not perfect, and has been back to the factory also.
It has a better trigger, is more accurate, and is now 100% reliable with all ammo.

I just got my chrome slide, barrel, and take-down pin back form Kel Tec. I haven't shot it yet, but it is not a bad deal for $20.

Well I finally got out and shot my P 32 for the first.I fired a box of ammo total with part FMJ and part JHP.Not a hiccup out of it.The accuracy is better then I thought it would be with a friend shooting a 3 inch or under 7 rd group at 6 yrs.My best was about 4 in.All in all I think its going to be a very good keeper