New K31, pics and stuff


New member
Just received my k31 by way of ffl, through my local gunsmith.
I went in there with a huge grin on my face and felt great opening up that shipping box! It was great, then the background check and i was on my way.

Now all that is left is to clean it up and get better pictures, these are all I've got, the pics sent to me from the seller.

Enjoy, and updates to come




Very nice rifle. You'll love how it shoots.

BTW, just curious why you don't have your own FFL 03 license? For $30, you can have all the C&R rifles/guns you want to own delivered to your front door.

Grats on the K31.
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I left out a couple details earlier.
Stock and magazine, bolt, etc all matching serial service tag under the buttplate though.

I think i will get myself one of those licenses eventually; but for the meantime i am ok without it. My budget for now consists of just this gun, not too concerned about collector value (contrary from the username, i dont collect guns)
I had planned on refinishing the gun but i really like it so i will leave it alone
Its going to bag some game next fall :D as well as some coyotes if i get the chance to go.

Real happy with it!
Great looking gun!!!!!! if always liked the look of the k31. And everytime i see then for sale a really good price, they are sold. Ive been looking in shotgun news and found a couple places that have them.

But that is a good looking gun!!! have fun with it!!
I had planned on refinishing the gun but i really like it so i will leave it alone
Its going to bag some game next fall as well as some coyotes if i get the chance to go.

Some of these had a shellac finish and some had blo, if yours is blo just give it a few light coats and your gtg.

These are easy to scope with the SP clamp on mount, or you can step up to the Rocksolid drill and tap if inclined to.

With gp11 surplus expect about 1+/- moa, even better if scoped.
Great rifle. It looks like you will have very little that will need to be done to it. Lucky for you it appears that someone scared off the angry beavers before they had their way with the buttstock.
Yeah, the stock looks good! I plan to go to the range with some buddies in a week or so. I bought 120 rds gp-11 off midwayusa and that should get here today actually.
Eventual plans include a Saint Marie's clamp-on mount or a Darell's mount depending if i want to go out on a limb and try a scout-type mount.

I was originally going to un-finish it then refinish and put some darker brown stain on there but upon holding the rifle i have no desire to refinish, its a cool rifle. So you are saying i could clean it up and apply some oil to it and it and that might help preserve it more?

Ive heard/read of tung oil and boiled lemonseed oil being the 2 most common oils to apply
Just apply it to the wood and lightly sand between coats???

Thanks, i read a lot about refinishing before i received the rifle but i just want to preserve it better and not redo the whole thing
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My two most accurate rifles, as is, are the Swiss K31 and Swedish M96 Mauser. I couldn't believe how accurate an unmodified battle rifle could be. The K31's are inexpensive, but they are treasures.

Enjoy it,
Ive heard/read of tung oil and boiled lemonseed oil being the 2 most common oils to apply
Just apply it to the wood and lightly sand between coats???

The Swiss did not use tung oil. The older walnut stocks normally had a Boiled Linseed Oil finish.


Get a small can of BLO and a small can of turpentine.

Mix up a 50/50 mix of turp/blo, about a cup total and use some 0000 steel wool dipped in this mix and lightly scrub down the stock(removed from rifle) This mix well act as a cleaner, use plenty of it and wipe it dry as you finish. let it dry for 24hrs. Then apply a light coat of straight BLO, set for 30 minutes then wipe dry and set for 24 hrs. Repeat as you desire. Three or four coats are what I normally do. You can see the BLO soak into the wood, you have enough when this absorbing action stops.

Swiss soldiers coated the wood with rifle grease, you may want to use the 50/50 cleaning mix more than one time to get as much grease as possible pulled from the wood.
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hope everyone had a nice Christmas...I did :D

Yesterday, I finished taking apart the bolt and charging handle, etc; I washed them all with hot water and Dawn (dishwashing soap) and then very meticulously blowdryer-ed them. Then Rem-Oiled it all back up and reassembled...results were not good. Rem-Oil is not as good as the old yellow grease that was on there. (Waffen-something lol)

As I was not pleased with the un-smoothness of the Rem-Oil, today I decided to go to the Auto parts store and Home Depot to find some good grease. I came home with some White Lithium Grease and repeated the strip and clean process. (at least now I am a lot faster at it :D)

I used the White Lithium Grease when i put it all back together, but not on the spring, I used Rem-Oil on that (dont want it to clog up). I used the White Lithium Grease mostly on the locking lugs and where the charging handle sticks into the bolt sleeve. But I made sure to lubricate most of the areas the rubbed against each other, like the bolt sleeve (outside part) and a tiny bit along the darker gray/black area on the bolt because i assumed it gets friction being scratched as it was. Also a little more on the charging handle. (where it slides) along the rail.

Hope this helps anyone wondering where to grease or what grease to use if you cant find what the Swiss were issued. I dont have access to the Waffenheit grease (spelling?) and at least as far as Im concerned, pretty much any good grease will work as far as lubricating the bolt action... with the White Lithium Grease being the best option I found for today.
I still hope to get my hands on a tub of the Waffen-something, but it may take time.

Congrats, dave! Keep in mind the BLO is not used on the Birch stocks, only on Walnut. BLO will ruin the natural color of a Birch stock and you won't be able to get it back.

find the grease.oil doesn't work on these I oiled my bolt and it cycled worse then when when I first pulled it out of the shipping container. took it apart again and greased it ans it's like butter! :cool:
Thanks for the BLO tips...i dont think i will be doing anything to the stock, etc. I have really taken a shine to the rifle"s old original look! Everyone I have shown it to first comments on the straight pull bolt action and then about the "awesome" original look it has, it is quite a conversatioin starter :D.

I will start a new thread after I go to the shooting range and tell you all how it shoots. As well as more pictures of the rifle. And be ready for another thread as i get my scope but that may take a month or so to get ready

Thanks for all the advice and comments, hopefully there will be more to add to this thread!

I got the clamp on reciever mount from swiss products that jfk55 represents. I like it alot. i really like that I can take it off since I really like to shoot it with the iron sights
I have an old leupold i've had kicking around. I'm looking at a Millet for it. Need some reviews on it though before I do
I put a 1-4 Millet Designated Marksman (DM) on my K31. It works very well, although with my 63 year old eyes, I could use a bit more power, perhaps up to 8X.

Keep in mind that the lower and closer to the bore axis, the better. My Dad and I really prefer fixed compacts for k31s, like the Leupold fixed 6's and 8's if you can find one of those. They're really rare, but the 4's and 6's are available.
This is a fixed 6 on this one. Nice and low, tight to the bore.

