New K-Mart boycott and why!


Earlier this week I went into K-mart to pick up a few items for Cristmas and while there I picked up a bullet puller and a cheap plastic powder measure for my muzzleloader. (This was the first time I had been there in quite some time due to Rosie O'Donnell) When I went to check out the clerk asked for my date of birth. She then explained it was due to the gun related items (the bullet puller and the measure) and stated she had to have my DOB before she could sell the items. I then went to the manager and questioned him and was advised it was store policy because it was just easier. I have e-mailed K-mart and advised them of my displeasure and also promised I would tell anyone who would listen of this newest poicy. K-mart may or may not have gottem rid of Rosie (go to their web site there is a section for Rosie) but I will never set foot inside another K-mart. If you feel like I do e-mail them or if you think I made a big deal out of nothing let me know how you stand, Thanks Jake
Jake, If you were to go into the Super K-Mart in Jackson Mississippi I feel that they should issue you a side arm or better! Around 8 years ago, they moved from a location that was more central to mid city. They had a fair firearms selection and the greatest fishing selection outside of BassPro's walkin stores.
They moved North into a perceived better location and {expanded} grocery and fewer sporting goods. They have a video game center in the center of the store and allow school age children "THUGS" to roam the store at all hours including school time. This is K-Marts finest example! I don't know what is going on there now because I found it hard to shop with only one hand. The other was always near my pistol.
Hey everywhere I go, even wal mart asks to see an ID. It might be b/c I am 25 and look like I am 18. They don't want to sell minors and get sued by some ambulance chaser. Thats just how it is. Be thankfull you dont live in chicago like my friends do, they can't even by ammo there legally!!
Jake: Did I read you right that you were NOT buying any ammo/powder/primers/brass/bullets etc???
I would have to say I have never been asked for ID unless buying a firearm. "unless using a credit card" Maybe check for age but not copy down info.
If it ever happened I think I would leave everything I had planned to purchase right there and walk out. I may even call "if a 800#listed" the coperate offices.
You know, this kind of stuff just plain makes me nervous. I mean, checking a 22yr old's id if he's buying pistol ammo could be explained away because of liability reasons and the fact theres more ambulance chasers now-a-days than ambulances. But if they're checking someone whose obviously well past that tender age.......that bugs me. And I'm sorry, but the old "We HAVE tro check you cause we check everyone who looks under X age" is a bunch of hooey. If a teller cant tell an 18yr old from a 30yr old, they need to get out more. Just my opinion, of course...

"To die as a warrior means to have crossed swords and either won or lost without any consideration for winning or loosing. There is just not enough time and generally not enough strength in the resolve of any man to do otherwise"-Miyamoto Musashi
kmart is not known for employing Mensa class employees

i am amazed when the one behind the counter can hand me the mossberg pump shotgun within 4 tries

sounds like CYA

Keep on sending them your Wal-Mart, Target, Sears, et al receipts and tell them they would have gotten some of that money if it weren't for their ant-gun (perceived or otherwise) policies.

I'm still po'd at them for Rosie and just sent off another batch.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
O1Pawand others, Im not sure how it is in your state, but here in Louisiana, if a cashier does not ask for an id for an id related item (cigarettes, alcohol,ammo, etc.) he/she can be arrested and fined, not to mention the loss of their job, no matter if that person is 70 or 17.Do you realize that if the paper work is not filled out correctly when a firearm is sold that the store may get a fine, but the person selling does also, and in fact, can serve time for it?(so my wife tells me)And Im talking about down to the color of ink the yellow form is filled out in! Its not a matter of how smart they are, its a matter of CYA.
As for being in mensa to work for Kmart (or anywhere else for that matter), MY wife is the department manager of the sporting goods section of our nearby Kmart, she wouldnt know one gun from another if it were not for me being the gun nut that I am. Imagine yourself as a non smoker working in a convenience store, someone comes in an asks for a pack of cigs, say for example Benson &Hedges ultra lights 100's in the box. with 200 dofferent brands of cigs in 13 diff varieties, would YOU know which pack was the right one on the first try? Not everyone in this world knows something about everything they sell. Besides that, these people work in a DEPARTMENT store and take care of other departments besides the one they are in at the time. My wife in fact is titled as the sporting goods manager, but also takes care of childrens toys and linens.Please understand ,Im not taking up for these people, I just want to be sure you understand both sides of the story. OK, so you were not buying ammo or powder , but the unknowing cashier seen it as a gun related product, and not knowing, she may have thought it best to ask for some ID, why?to CYA. Would you have rather waited in line for her to call a manager to come and check, which could have taken 10 minutes are better?
Put yourself in their shoes..just for a moment------Cuz
Sorry if this came across as a flame, or harsh,I did not mean it as such, I just like people to see both sides before passing judgement.
One thing I would like to add, If you waited and complained, asked for a manager etc... You would have drawn even more attention which is the reason why you weren't cooperative in showing him your ID

Think about it!
my 2 cents names = lists.

Not that anyone
posting on the firing line is still
anonimous, because we are all well known to
the authorities by now, from our tfl membership.

I dont care,I am an FFL gun shop &
Batf has a blue print of my premises, a pasport photo and all my fingerprints and gets to rumage thru my place when ever they please. Every gun has full paperwork trails in quadrouplicate, who & where it came from & who & where it went to as well as unique sales authorization numbers assigned by the state police to each used firearm purchase
and each firearm sale. This was well in advance of Brady NICS numbers, I might add,
by one or two years ,if memory serves.

The only way they could top this is to place a video camera in my toilet! fer crying out loud! Preferably one that reproduces high fidelity oders!

OK, I remember now ! I was gona complain about taking names to buy a powder measure and a bullet puller on a middle aged person.

No reason in the world to do so except ignorance on the part of the employee or a request to take names from any one who buys anything from Kmart gun dept.

Reminds me of something the Nazis would have done just prior to
Konfiscation, the night of broken glass and WW2.

When one heeds not the lessons of history, one is apt to see them repeated,