New Iowa law

That's good to see, but the title of it bugs me a bit. In the text specifically it states that "Many Iowa sheriffs still have grave concerns about a new state gun law..."

My problem is... are these sheriffs all around the country really that blind? Can they not look towards the other sheriffs around the country who have been doing this for years? Are the people in their jurisdiction really that different as to warrant worry over issuing CCW permits? It's as if these LEO's cannot see beyond the border of their states (or counties) and see that CCW's are really not a big deal for lack of a better phrase.

Not trying to stir trouble. It just confuses me sometimes.
It's always varied by the county you were in. I applied in Jasper county three times and was denied on the excuse and I quote "I just don't think you have an acceptable reason to have a permit." this came from the sheriff himself. I moved one county over to Polk county and had my permit two weeks later. He didn't care why I wanted a permit just that taken neccasarry training.
It ain't perfect but it's an improvement.
That is about the most truthful thing you can say about this new law. Sure, many Sherrifs have real concerns on more than one aspect of it. I would contend that all Sherrifs have a certain degree of negative feeling and rightly so. There are inequaties and one area that concerns me is New vs. ReNewals.


ReNewals applicants have to requalify on the range by a certified instructor and scored on proficiency. That is if your orignal qualification is older than one year.

New Applicants can get their permit, by attending a classroom session and not fire one single round. That's right, no range time. You don't even have to own a handgun. Live fire is optional. Or, new applicants can optain a permit by presenting a copy of a DD-214 and show honerable discharge. I don't know about the rest of you Vets. but the Navy only spent four hours with me, shooting a 1903A3. I did pull some sentry duty with an issued 1911a1 but no bullets. ..... :p

Now, if the Sherrifs would have been more consistant across the state and performed their elected duties, it would not have come to this. Again, as HoraceHogsnort once wrote; "It ain't perfect but it's an improvement."

Be Safe !!!
... at least those that have similar training requirements, as of January.
That is my understanding as well, although I have not specifically read this. Hoping Illinoise and Wisconsin, are taking note ...... :rolleyes:

Be Safe !!!
Well EVERYONE knows that Iowa is going to be the exception to the rule that has ruled the nation since shall-issue CCW became a tidal wave starting in the late 1980s.

Those Iowegians, including my best friend, are a surly and nasty lot, fast to anger, even faster to slap leather and send hot lead love notes flying.

I predict There Will Be Blood, with Daniel Day Lewis drinking everyones' milkshakes.

I have never been able to figure out why every anti-gunner in every state that has made its CCW laws better is just so sure that it is going to be the exception to the rule of calm, orderly, law abiding concealed carry.
That's good to see, but the title of it bugs me a bit. In the text specifically it states that "Many Iowa sheriffs still have grave concerns about a new state gun law..."

Geez, it's the same old "Blood will run in the streets!" fear inducing headline. When the facts won't work, they always go for emotions.
Those Iowegians, including my best friend, are a surly and nasty lot, fast to anger, even faster to slap leather and send hot lead love notes flying.
"Hot lead love notes?" That makes a GREAT name for a rockabilly band!

Nice to see it's only $50 for the permits as well.
As per Iowa Reciprocity. The Iowa DPS states that it will not sign reciprocity agreements as that is not in their law to sign such agreements. They will just honor all other states permits. The also state they will not list states that honor their permit. Their new law does not tell them to do that. So you will just have to wait for states to honor Iowa and the only way to find out is checking such places as my website or one similar. Then going to that states official website to confirm.

Some states will do so automatically. Florida will most likely add Iowa to the list of states they honor the first working day of 2011. Other states will automatically add them in the following months. NH Should as they will honor anyone who honors theirs. Some other states are like that. But some states require a signed reciprocity agreement. Ohio requires signed agreements so they will most likely never honor an Iowa Permit/License. We will just have to wait and see what states add Iowa in the coming months.
Iowa ccw

Maybe I mis-read the recent requirements for current ccw holders, but I believe you have a choice as to take the classroom instructions OR the shooting range to re-new your permit under the new law. Way back in the day, when I first received my permit, you only needed the classroom instruction unless it was for professional carry.

And as for this:

Many Iowa sheriffs still have grave concerns about a new state gun law..."

My problem is... are these sheriffs all around the country really that blind? Can they not look towards the other sheriffs around the country who have been doing this for years? Are the people in their jurisdiction really that different as to warrant worry over issuing CCW permits? It's as if these LEO's cannot see beyond the border of their states (or counties) and see that CCW's are really not a big deal for lack of a better phrase

They are gravely concerned that their power in their little fiefdom has been diminished: They can't pick who gets a permit now, and this law does serious damage to their Good Ol' Boy Network ....... I have a distant relative that is the County Sherriff of a county out in the Boondocks of Nebraska. He was apalled by the passage of our "Shall Issue" Concealed Handgun Act: He said "The "wrong sort" of people will be carrying...." Who died and made him the judge of who is the "wrong sort"? I despise that man, and any other LEO that thinks they are Judge & Jury.

..... unless you have lived in a small town in the midwest (particularly if you moved there from somewhere else), then you don't truly understand the Old Boy Network......

The Good Ol' Boys can carry a gun, beat their wife, get snockered at the Elks Lodge/VFW/Firehall and drive home, get caught at it and unless the wrong person gets hurt, it will all go away...... Nebraska's "Affirmative Defense clause" still allows for CCW by these favored ...... individuals. "Equality Before the Law" my fuzzy butt!
Maybe I mis-read the recent requirements for current ccw holders
Looks like you might have and in defense of the new requirements, there are areas of confusion. This is all new to Iowa applicants and Sherrif's offices and we are all on a learning curve. Took us a long time and hard work to get to this point. .. :confused:

Training Documentation:
o Qualified on a firing range under the supervision of a certified instructor (applies to renewal application only)

I pulled the above from the actual application and so as not to misunderstand, have given you the link to the site. Hope this comes through and of assistance. ..... :) rev 2011 1 - 10-29-2010 - final.pdf

Be Safe !!!