New hunter in PA


New member
so I'd like to get into hunting. I'm thinking deer, though I wouldn't mind squirrel and such.

I live in Philly and would have to drive a good bit. I was thinking like maybe in a year or so renting a cabin with some buddies, more fr te drinking and comraderie, but I'd still like to learn to hunt. Tracking, field dressing, all that stuff. I've got the shooting part pretty well taken care of, I'm more looking for some tips/stories/wisdom in "field craft" and the like.

enlighten me!
Most of the field craft is easiest and best learned hands on, in the field. My best advise is find an old hunter and pick his brain. Also check the DVD how too videos for field dressing. If you have a specific situation you will get better responses for learning.
enlighten me!
Big Al has the right idea. Find someone who already hunts and tag along. I learned from my father-in-law. Practice shooting from field positions and expedient rests, not just from a bench.

And if you're doing this for the comaraderie, the beer doesn't come out until the guns are put away.
The nearest for you of course is the Poconos. Learning is a long term project. Start by learning to shoot .Sad to see people go through all the effort then miss the deer !!
A start is Hunting safety course .licences for a start . For a place to hunt you may have to join a club unless you know someone who owns some land .
Legionnaire had it right the beer doesn't come until the guns are put away.
Good advise!

My dad never-never allowed alcohol in the hunting camp, one person tried and he gave him a choice: Dump it out or leave - He dumped it out.
i have one buddy that spent a good portion of his youth hunting, i suppose i'll pick his brain. sad thing is he isn't actually much of a shooter. for fun, i mean.

obviously alcohol and beer doesn't mix. i'm not a child.

thanks for the link, i'll check it out
We're blessed here in PA with lots of public land. Start here and navigate to a map of PA State Game Lands near you. No landowner permission required.

Don't wait for hunting season to start learning..... go out this or any weekend with a bottle of water, sandwich and camera.... no closed season on that ... just do it...

Spend a little time in the woods and see a few tails bounce away, get surprised by a grouse or two.... learning to enjoy a nice walk in the woods is the most important thing... Then the days you take the gun for a walk will be good or better... but never bad
These books have been helpful to me. Inter-library loan program can provide them or check to purchase.

Most State Game Lands provide nature walks hosted by local wildlife folks. Cost is free.



