New house=Cabelas denied gun purchase


New member
Well, I just returned from Cabelas without the Marlin 336 I was so looking forward to buying.

You see, I recently bought a house, but my drivers license has not been updated to reflect my new address. So when I filled out the 4473, my address didn't match up to my license. Knowing this might present an issue, I brought with me two current utility bills that show my full name and current address.

It didn't matter. They said their "ATF guy" was strict and required any state issued card with the current address, no exceptions. So I offered to go get a fishing license (which would have my address on it) and they said they wouldn't do that either because it would look like Cabelas was conspiring with me to break the law in order to get me a lever-action 30/30.

Has anyone else come across this problem and can give advice for next time? I intend to get my license updated, but geez, I didn't know we now live in nazi germany! Is this even the law, or just a good reason not to buy any more stuff at Cabelas with my disposable income?

Got A Passport

Do you have a passport or any other the other IDs on the list.

I use an ID that does not have a physical address. Then they have to accept a voter ID card to verify my physical address.
Looks like you did it to yourself. Unless you used a check for the purchase only you knew of the change;)
27 CFR 478.124 says this in subsection (c)(3):

(3) After the transferee has executed the Form 4473, the licensee:
(i) Shall verify the identity of the transferee by examining the
identification document (as defined in Sec. 478.11) presented, and shall
note on the Form 4473 the type of identification used;
(ii) Shall, in the case of a transferee who is an alien legally in
the United States, cause the transferee to present documentation
establishing that the transferee is a resident of the State (as defined
in Sec. 478.11) in which the licensee's business premises is located,
and shall note on the form the documentation used. Examples of
acceptable documentation include utility bills or a lease agreement
which show that the transferee has resided in the State continuously for
at least 90 days prior to the transfer of the firearm;

So it looks like if you are a citizen, you must have an ID with your current address. However if you are an alien, you only need utility bills. So in this case, it is too bad that you are a US citizen!

I'm on Cabelas side on this one. As far as I've read about the BATF guys, they will do anything and everything in their power (and even things NOT in their power but they'll do them anyway) to give the gun shops problems. This little address 'misunderstanding' could potentially cost them thousands in fines and an ATF audit. It'd be best to just get your address officially changed on your license before going back. No skin off your back, right?
Let me see now, as soon as you get your license updated, you can purchase the gun and yet you wonder:
I didn't know we now live in nazi germany!

Pretty hard to take this whole thing seriously.
They are simply covering their backside. You have the responsibility to provide correct and accurate documents to establish your residence, Cabella's has the responsibility to check that YOU comply. I will stand behing Cabella's on this one and as posted before, get you license changed.
Well, it turned out that the easiest thing to do was to go to Bass Pro with a fishing license and get my 336SS for a better price.

I still intend to get my license updated, but not looking forward to dealing with the DMV!

For future reference, lets not make useless posts that do not provide any substance such as:

Let me see now, as soon as you get your license updated, you can purchase the gun and yet you wonder:

I didn't know we now live in nazi germany!

Pretty hard to take this whole thing seriously.

:barf:If you don't take it seriously, why respond? Just a thought:)

Get your license changed and end your problem. As for if this is Nazi Germany and it being lawful, consult a map, and yes it is the law.

You should be thankful that Cabela's and other chains still carry guns. Since K-Mart got out of the buisness and Wal-Mart scaled back, they are now the antis biggest targets. Thus they will play by the rules all the time, every time. If that means losing the buisness of a guy who did not want to stand in line at the DMV, so be it.

If I may, I will continue my rant. I was just at the Owatona(sp?) Cabela's and on every door they had a notice that said all guns being brought in for repair, gunsmithing services or trade must be checked in at the counter, but legaly concealed weapons did not apply. That is a ballsy, pro-2nd A stand to take, especialy when a good part of your customers are simply yuppies and tree-huggers who buy camping gear, but hate guns, hunters and everything we represent(except the 75% of funds that go into wildlife conservation).

Well, it turned out that the easiest thing to do was to go to Bass Pro with a fishing license and get my 336SS for a better price.

I seriously doubt that Bass Pro was okay with the discrepancy. Tell me, did you use your new address? If not, that would be illegal. Just a thought.
If you don't take it seriously, why respond? Just a thought

The point of his response was to point out that your hyperbole makes it hard to take seriously. Which is a valid criticism.

Anyway, sounds to me like your beef is with the ATF and our elected officials, not Cabela's. They're following the law, because failing to do so could result in them not being able to sell you or anybody else a gun in the future. I don't see how this is unreasonable (on their part).
For future reference, lets not make useless posts that do not provide any substance such as...

You mean useless posts like the one comparing the slight inconvenience of getting a license renewed before being able to purchase a firearm (thereby complying with the law), to living in nazi Germany?

If you don't take it seriously, why respond? Just a thought

Why did I post? Maybe to highlight the ridiculous nature of the bogus comparison. Or maybe you are more comfortable with others posting and just agreeing with you regarding how tough your life is when you are confronted with a commercial establishment that actually considers complying with the law more important that making your life just a minor bit easier?

I am more concerned with Cabelas continuing to sell firearms than I am with someone spending a few minutes in a line at the DMV. But that's just me...

You certainly are welcome to qualify any threads you start with the caveat that only folks who agree with you are welcome to respond. Let's see how that works out.
The address on my DL is different from where I live now too, mainly because I move a lot. Doesn't make sense to pay to get it changed every six months. I've yet to have problem because of that though. I usually ask the person I buying from about it before hand. Can't remember what we did last time, but I've got the gun. Never been a problem when I renew my pistol license, either. They just ask for the correct address.
A friend of mine had the same issue at the Cabela's in Michigan. He was dissapointed after a 3 hr. drive to get there and pick up a new shotgun. I guess rules are rules. The stupit thing is, if he had just put his old address on the form, he probably wouldn't have had and issue.

I got the license updated and guess what, the DMV didn't ask to see utility bills or anything... so it was a complete waste of time for anyone to require seeing a license if someone can just go into the DMV and change their address to anything they want without proof! Again, a waste of time. I wish I didn't have to go through all of this just for being honest.

Anyways, Bass Pro took everything with the new address just fine and I am looking forward to shooting my new lever action!
