New Hijackings


New member
Al Qaeda announced that they will continue using (passenger) planes as bombs against targets in the free world.

Let's assume that they aren't bluffing and that they know at least about all the improved security measures that were revealed to the public.

How could they adapt to the new situation? How could they still "successfully" use the planes as weapons?

I don't think that they are stupid even though they are crazy. Therefore I guess that they must have a plan on how to circumvent the sky marshalls, the (hopefully) aware passengers and so on.

Anticapting the terrorists next move will help to stop them.

Our country was built on ease of access and freedom of getting around.
At this moment that can work against us in that there are many open targets.
In the beginning we will be reactive, then we'll learn to be proactive and more aggressive, then we can protect our areas better.
In the past, hijaqckings weren't resisted because we beilieved that, for the most part, the idjits wanted publicity, maybe ramsome or hostage exchange.

It's a whole new ball game now. I think anyone who hijacks a plane without a lot of heavy arms is going to get swarmed and overwhelmed. I know that I'd make the effort. If I'm going down, I'm going down fighting, and by God, I'd do what I could to make sure they don't make it to their target. I also suspect I'm not the only one out there who feels this way. And I sure as hell hope I never have to test this little theroy, but if that's the way it is, I hope I'll be ther to do the "Let's roll" thang and give a good account of myself.:mad: