Thanks a ton for the recommendations folks. Ammunitiontogo it is. Buds looks awesome and now I know I could have saved about $50 on my Springfield XD .45. Oh well. There's something to be said for supporting your local shop though.
My local indoor range/gun store has reloads for $15.50 a box of 50 for their customers to use. You just can't take their range ammo out of the store as part of the agreement. They collect all the brass, trays and boxes to help cut down on their costs. So I'll save that back pretty quickly. Extremely well done reloads they are too. First time out with my new weapon and using their range ammo, I was hitting within an area the size of a fist from 50'. I can work on that when I have the first 200 through it though.
I've not owned a Springfield handgun before now. I must say, I'm very impressed with its accuracy, heft and overall fitment and operation. I look forward to my next purchase, an XD9802SP06. That weapon will be my CCW.
Unlike most folks, at least the Army guys I'm used to hanging out with, I could care less about a handgun being all metal or not. If I can reliably put 5,000+ rounds through a weapon without needing some type of repair, then I could care less if the thing is made of Ivory soap and Popsicle sticks. I've already got a Remington Rand 1911 on loan to one of my buddies in 5th Grp while he is deployed. He said he needed a 1911 over there to shoot with while bored. He didn't want to daily fire his own XD 45 ACP all the time as he needed it to be ready to go and not needing to be cleaned up for a launch. And to be quite honest about it, I never saw what the big fuss was all about anyway. It was this buddy of mine who taught me to stop worrying about all metal weapons and just find something from a reliable manufacturer that I enjoy shooting. He gave me that advice 15 years ago and now, I'm very glad I listened to him.