New Henry Rifle


New member

Just brought this one home. New Henry .22 magnum. Had a 3-9 Bushnell scope lying around and put in on. Should make a nice critter eliminator once sighted in.
I have had an H001 in .22lr for 11 years and I like it for plinking. I looked at one in .22mag but when I found out I could handload .357mag ammo cheaper than I could buy even the cheapest bulk .22mag, I passed. I like the idea of the .22mag as it's compact, light, and all but was surprised at how relatively expensive the 40grn .22mag ammo was.

The cheapest I just found .22mag on was 2K of Armscor 40grn JHP for $258 plus $20.81 shipping to my home or 14¢ per rd (about the same as their cheapest 9mm). I still can handload my 125grn plated .357mag ammo for 13¢ per rd and while not much difference, I enjoy handloading, have all the equipment paid for years ago, have plenty of components on hand, and the 125grn .357mag loads are significantly more versatile with a much longer accurate range as well.

Bottom line on a .22mag levergun is that while I'd like to have one for the heck of it, it's just not cost effective to buy a new platform and the relatively expensive ammo it needs when I already have 2ea model 92 style leverguns and a SA pistol in .357mag.
Since when does economic sense have anything to do with the purchase, care and feeding of firearms?:D
Yes, you're absolutely correct, however, the 'Queen' :D after almost 47 years of wedded bliss, is tolerant of my shooting hobby only to a point and should I dare to cross it, I'm in trouble. With my collection being on the large size already (I have 8 leverguns alone and handload for 16 calibers; 9 rifle and 7 pistol) I have to watch things carefully. :rolleyes:

As I've justified my handloading setup, a recent upgrade from my Dillon XL650 to an XL750 with Casefeeder, 14 Toolheads, and all the bells and whistles, taking on a caliber I can't handload for is a risky proposition at best, suicide at worst. :eek: :o
I just had a Henry .22 LR, black receiver, octagon barrel follow me home last week. I borrowed one once for a rimfire side match at a cowboy shoot and I just couldn't miss with it, so always had a hankerin' for one. My farm store had one on clearance, left over from Christmas, a great buy I couldn't pass on. Haven't got it to the range yet.