New guy needs help


Can anyone help me find out what age and model S&W 38 spcl,round butt ,5 shot 1&7/8 inch barrel,serial #100XXX.In side frame at cylinder lach is P23302 p,and on the cylinder latch is 23302 A W.Any help will be appericated.

Thanks Larry S

PS I hope I'm post this on the correct form.
A pic would help, but that sounds like a J-frame before the use of model numbers. Serial number 100xxx was made in 1956. The guns that would become the Models 36, 37, 38, 49 and 50 all shared serial numbers at that period, so more info or a pic would be necessary to tell which model it is.

The number on the crane and the adjacent frame is an assembly number.

[Models 36, 37, 38, 49 and 50]

The revolver's model can be further defined, by a description of both the frame material, and hammer type.

FWIW, the M36, M40 & M49 had steel cylinder/grip frames; and the M37, M38, & M42 had alloy (aluminum) frames.

If your 5-shot .38 S&W Special J-frame S&W revolver is blued carbon steel (test w/magnet), and not stainless - it is an earlly version of the M36 hammergun, the M49 w/bobbed hammer, or the M40 w/fully concealed internal hammer.

If the magnet test on the blued (sic) frame shows it to be an alloy, it's a predecessor of the M37 hammergun, the M38 bobbed hammer, or the M49 concealed hammer.

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