NEW guy at the range


New member
My best bud & myself took a new guy (non shooter) to the range last night and showed him the ins & outs of handgunning.

We started him off with a S&W.22 - 2206, then after he got the hang of it gave him some "target" .38s in a Dan Wesson 6". He shot so well that I suggested a go on my P-16 & he proceeded to get a 1/4" hole at 7 metres with 5 shots, the other rounds stayed in the centre red zone with 2 flyers in the 6s.

Not too shabby for a "newbie" I thought, so I got out a 2" S&W M-36 and gave him the target loads again & he found out how much more he had to concentrate on sight alignment with this gun. Some fact. spec .38 +P Loads then gave him the meaning of "felt recoil" out of this pocket pistol !

We then got out the bowling pin rapid fire table and proceeded to "hose 'em" down with all the guns in our combined arsenal.

Needless to say the new guy had a ball & to round off the evening we got out the Clubs Taurus .44 Mag for some fun & I'm sure a couple of pins may have been "salvagable" after we were finished ! .... grin ;)

All up, we had a blast & another non gun person found out just how much fun shooting as a sport can be ! :)

The moral of this story is to introduce as many people as possible to the shooting world & let them see for themselves that how safe & how much fun it can be ! :D

"The Gun from Down Under !"
How true! We need to show non-shooters the true meaning of gun ownership.
In my country, the Philippines, CCW permit-issuings are presently under fire...Even one Senator said it's uncivilized!..grr.
Like someone once said "One of the most safest places in the world is the shooting range."

So far i've converted two of my friends to handgunning. Now they both have Kimber &

Rifle's Salted Wound
I would love to take non shooters to the range and let them see what shooting is. However in my state (NY) you must have a handgun permit to even enter the range and it is unlawfull to handle a handgun without a permit. Legally you cannot even let your wife or child handle a handgun. This is what happens when the Left gains control of the political process.

I suppose I could move to a more sensible area of the country, but I think I will stay here and enjoy the fight.

Those of you who live in the real USA had better watch your politicians and stay on their case, don't let them go the way of NY.
They cover all the bases don't they? Have you considered that as long as you stay and enjoy the fight, they are enjoying your tax dollars? Why not move to Vt. and vote with your wallet?

There is a great deal of fun and satisfaction in "converting" a new shooter. I wish I could do it every day, but here in Arkansas, there aren't all that many non gun owners! Sure, there are a few, but we've got to ration them so we don't run out too soon! ;)
You seem to have the methods down solid. Start'em out on the small stuff, then when they're hooked, gradually introduce them to the real heavy artillery. I know that sounds like I'm talking about drugs, but I say the same thing about introducing kids to reading.
Tell a non reading teen sometime that he shouldn't read because he probably couldn't handle the "high" and see wha happens! :D

Your mind is your primary weapon.
The other thing I forgot to mention was that while waiting for the guys to turn up, I helped out the R.O.s.

A new Female shooter was at the line so I got to "introduce" her to proper sight alignment, how to hold it & how to sqeeeze the trigger.

After a few minutes I had her clearing mis-fires like a pro ! The gun was a Club Ruger .22 that really hates Win. ammo.

After she finished off her box of 50, I handed her a full 16 rnd mag of .40 cal & my Para-Ordnance. To say that she was impressed with the LARGE HOLES that appeared in her target would be an understatement ! Her grin was this :D big.

I think she'll be back to try out some of the Clubs bigger toys ! ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"