New Gun Rules - Thwarted or Delayed?


Staff Emeritus
From the San Antonio Express-News, 7/14/99, pg. 4A

New rules for guns thwarted

Associated Press
Washington - House Democrats renewed their push for gun control
Tuesday, but their efforts to attach fresh restrictions to a routine
spending bill were blocked by Republicans.

However, House GOP Whip Tom DeLay said Republican leaders were
preparing to begin formal House-Senate compromise talks on gun control
by next week, and all but promised that some of the Democratic
proposals would be part of a final compromise on separate legislation.

The proposals, defeated Tuesday by the House Appropriations
Committee, would have required safety devices to be sold with handguns
and would have banned the importation of certain high-capacity
ammunition clips.

Both provisions were approved by the House earlier this year, but died
when the underlying measure was defeated.

The third defeated Democratic amendment would have expanded
requirements for background checks at gun shows. It was rejected by
the full House in the earlier debate.

“Many of us feel so strongly about this issue that we’re going to use
every avenue available to us,” said Rep. Nita Lowey, D-N.Y., as she and
two other Democrats sought to attach the provisions to a bill funding the
Treasury Department, the Postal Service and other agencies.
Bold for stress added by Dennis.

As the Democrats ask for more than they could dream for,
And Republicans compromise more than Democrats could hope for,
Americans are losing the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

So the difference between Republicans and Democrats,
Is only one of timing and the color of their hats!
They BOTH are telling us that their tyranny has charms.

They say they know better than we
What we should think and have and see
And consider our opinions to be ignorant pollution.

So cast your votes for Republicans or Democrats
And tell the difference only by the color of their hats,
But I, my friends, will vote for Liberty and our Constitution.

So each must vote, the way he thinks he oughter,
But my fellow frogs, I tell ya, our water’s getting hotter!
That post would be too funny, if it wasn't so true. Now, let's put that to music...


"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H.L. Mencken