New Gun Owners and Appleseed


New member
This was copied from my Facebook page. With the many new gun owners around the country, I feel that they need to be made aware of this excellent training program. PLEAE FEEL FREE TO FORWARD THIS TO ANYONE THAT MIGHT HAVE AN INTEREST OR NEEDS TO BE MADE AWARE OF THE PROGRAM…
This is a 501 3c NON-POLITICAL group and not a militia recruitment organization!!!!
As we approach what I think will be a rather significant portion of America's history, I would encourage a review of the actions of the Patriots that gave us 'our used to be' freedoms.

I attended an 'Appleseed' event near Davila, in Milam County, a couple of years ago and was most impressed with the day; I did not follow up on it due to some physical limitations I have due to old bones and joints. I am going to attempt the program again I hope under their 'adaptive program' I might qualify for the 'Marksmanship' patch. This is a nationwide program!!!!

The two day Appleseed includes one day of intensive marksmanship shooting, intended for new shooters and good training review for more experienced shooters and the second day is for further refinement of shooting skills. I have not attended the second day event yet but the first day includes strong gun safety sessions and three sessions on the Lexington/Concord events that ignited the first Revolutionary War. I have since followed up on an intensive reading program on the Revolution War period, especially the actions in the South that eventually led to the victory at Yorktown.

I have attached two URLs that will give a little background on the program and of The Revolutionary War Veterans Association (RWVA) organization. The first is a YouTube presentation on April 19, 1775 and the second is the Appleseed site.
********************* THIS PROGRAM ENDS ON DECEMBER 31 AT CLOSE OF THE BUSINESS DAY ***********************************

There is a gift certificate program available that lets you purchase admission to the two day event for $50.00 for male members over 18. Females are discriminated against with a much cheaper rate and under 18's can attend free with an adult paid admission. Some Military and LEO's are admitted free. On January 1st the admission will increase to $80.00. for more information and ordering, visit:

Our kids and grand kids will find the Gift Certificates in their stockings.

"Freedom ain't Free"
Yes, I would strongly suggest attendance in an Appleseed event, for new shooters and veteran shooters alike. My son and I attended one in Ottawa Illinois a few years ago. I made Rifleman early on day two, the 57th Appleseed Rifleman in Illinois. My son fell just a couple points short of making it. We both used Ruger 10/22’s. His with Tech Sites (strongly recommended) and mine with a scope because my eye sight just isn’t what it used to be. I plan on attending another Appleseed this year to see if I can get the Rifleman patch with iron sights.

Lots of fun. One word of advice if you’ve never attended one. Read the suggested gear requirements on their web site, and follow them. Simple things like pre sighting your rifle to 25 yards, elbow pads, extra magazines, etc. are easy to forget, but once you get there you’ll sure wish you had them.