New Gun Bill won't make it past the House


New member
In the local paper it was said that (someone knowledgable) claimed that there is "only a %20 chance that the new Gun Bill will make it through the House of Representatives and onto the President's desk".

What do you all think? Can we be hopeful?

Nope...they'll cave too. I hope not, but I'm not optimistic. They are making noises about jamming the gun stuff through by Memorial week

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
No, we cannot take it for granted that the foolish senate bill will be killed in the House. We've got to direct our attentions to our reps there. It's never over, but this bill is a threat until it is dead.
The Republocrats will cave..they have no spine or balls either.

We need Ron Paul as Speaker. Wouldn't that make the liberal scumbags howl!
Yes, we can be hopeful. And, we should call / write our Representative. But ... I'll vote with the 'they'll cave' school of thought.

So, what's worse? Your enemy, that tries to come through the wire? Or, that jackass next to you that throws ammo to your enemy and won't back you up when the heat is on? Traitors are worse, in my book.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited May 22, 1999).]
You got that right Jeff...

There is a special place in hell for traitors and betrayers

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
While I agree with all that has been written on this subject, I have already contacted my Representative on this matter. Because they come from Districts with a limited number of voters who they must satisfy to get re-elected, I have found that they are more likely to listen to opinions than Senators are. This is especially true if you are a registered voter.
Despite the talk of term limits and agendas, remember the first goal of most elected officials: GET RE-ELECTED. So give it a shot, we could still win.
