new gun and ammo ordered


New member
well with the ammo and guns being scarce and prob just going to continue to get harder to find went ahead and ordered a type 53 mosin nagant and 440 rds of 762x54r. never had one and wondered what others thought of them. got the guns and ammo for little under 250 so at the very least it will give me something to shoot other then my 22s till the prices on other stuff at least stabilizes.
Most fun you can have for $100 and under $.20 a pull. Big bang. Big kick. Gotta horse the bolt out and back, making you work for it. Feels good.

The Bulgarian and other Eastern Euro rounds are typically corrosive primered, so you need to do a little different cleaning (cheap Windex), but other than that I love my two 91/30s.
I've got a 91/30 that a lot of fun and actually shoots pretty well. I think you'll enjoy that rifle and it's certainly cheap enough to shoot.


still waiting on buds to ship the damn gun.....but was little bored yesterday so go online and went to allans armory site. saw a 91/30 and decided what the hell kinda want a actual mosin also. so called him paid him,,,called ffl told him to fax him a copy of license and what do you know got email from ups this morning allans has already put it out for now thats will have to new guns hopefully next was my wife ****** when i told her that one lol
lol havnt had one or shot one but am already getting the fever...wife thought that deer season was now over that the gun buying improving and what not would end hahahaha the jokes on her lol or beswt resource on the net for mosins.
One tip - keep tracl of how maby shots you make. Keep the number even so you will always have your shoulder back in the joint.
the 91/30 i have coming is a beautiful laminate that looks like it just came out of no that one is not ugly....and the type 53 cant say cause i ordered it from buds basically sight unseen but theres hope lol
If it still has cosmoline you will need a degreaser to clean it off with. I use brake parts cleaner. I take the bolt apart, and put it in a bucket. Take the action off of the stock. Hold it over the bucket and spray it down heavily with brake parts cleaner. I spray a lot into the chamber, and down the barrel while holding it over the bucket. The stuff that runs off the rifle will go into the bucket. I swish the parts in the bucket around. I then wipe everthing down quickly, and then oil it up.

Takes about 20 minutes from start to finish.