New goodies proposed by Clinton


Moderator Emeritus
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>



The Clinton administration has developed a plan for an extensive computer
monitoring system, overseen by the FBI, that will track banking,
telecommunications and other industries, it will be reported on Wednesday.

The National Security Council is conducting a legal and technical review of
the new Clinton plan, a final report is scheduled to be made public in

NEW YORK TIMES reporter John Markoff has been shown a draft, according to
publishing sources, and was busy on Tuesday afternoon preparing a story.

In some government circles, the proposed system has been nicknamed

The plan calls for the development of a "sophisticated software system to
monitor activities on non-military government networks" and a separate
system to "track all transactions used in the banking, telecommunications
and transportation industries."

The system is intended to alert law enforcement officials to computer
attacks that might cripple governmental or the nation's economy. But it
could also become a massive government utility used for surveillance of
citizens, critics contend, with great potential for misuse.

"Law enforcement agencies obviously would be under great temptation to
expand the use of the information in pursuit of suspected criminals," the
TIMES will report.

The plan has drawn fire from civil libertarians because it blends "civilian
and military functions" in protecting the nation's computer networks. Law
enforcement agencies would be under great temptation to expand the use of
the information in pursuit of suspected criminals. And the plan would put a
new and powerful tool into the hands of the FBI.


And you know they will abuse it!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
DC: Be easy sister, you know that it's for the common good! We will all be much better when the water injection system has been completed!
Ya know, something comes out that really bugs me, I get P.O.'d, it goes on the back burner, then something else comes out, etc. etc. When does the cumulative effect reach the breaking point?
I used to be sure there would be another revolution by freedom loving Americans, because if you love freedom you must be getting a broken heart by now.
Now I don't think that's the way it's going to go. I think what's going to happen is we will devolve into two societies. One that will embrace big brother and live in a super-high tech, very tightly controlled, totalitarian, virtually crime free world. And enjoy it. Then there will be the people who wish to live as free as they can, just outside (literally) that world. The outsiders will understand that they are being aloud to live like this by the people inside. As long as they don't bother the people inside. Maybe they can live relatively free lives as long as they grow food for the insiders or something. I've seen movies somewhat along these lines but I can't remember the names, any help?

There are few things more precious to me than my privacy.

To those who say "as long as you have nothing to hide..." save it.

To be or not to be-that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them.
I think the movie you are thinking of was "The Time Machine"....

The Eloi were "taken care of" by the something-Loks.. but the something-Loks took a few Eloi every now & them for a snack. the Eloi had become so complacent that they didn't give a damn if a few of them disappeared every now & then.
Sounds like the movie "Demolition Man" to me. Goofy, but sort of a fun movie.

Maybe we're all sufficiently desensitized to the decay of our freedoms to explode. Incrementalism: a gentle, soothing enema for the masses.
In some government circles, the proposed system has been nicknamed

They should nickname it "The Beast".
Eventually the tracking comuter will best work with an identification card that tells the supercomputer that you are a good citizen and allows you to buy goods and pass checkpoints after it is scanned. We would not want people to be fraudulant, and people will complain that their "mark" is stolen and misused (like a credit card), so it will be most efficient to place the "mark" where it cannot be stolen, under the person's skin. That way it will always be with you! This will all of course be for the good of the children because there will no longer be such thing as kidnapping, deadbeat dads, or wanted felons because they will not be able to go anywhere or buy anything without being tracked. If you don't take the "The Mark", then you will be banished from the city and have to live in the wilderness with all the other "whackos".
Oh yeah, that's kinda like what Walkin' Man above just described. Haven't I heard that scenario somewhere before...?
This actualy made top story on the ABC evening news. Of course they played it like a good thing. The government to the rescue. There really is no problem for honest people to be willing to trade a little freedom for some security.

To be or not to be-that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them.
It is truly the mark of the Beast that is comimg and is predicted in Revelations. We cant stop it.The sheeple are ready for it and the mainline preachers have sold out to the" governmink" for the tax exempt status. These preachers in the mainline Protestant churches are worse than derelict in not warning their flocks of the coming Beast System. The mainline preachers have sold out to Big Comrade and his NWO crowd. Get a shortwave and hear the real men of God warn of the coming Beast System. It is really ironic that America,once a free and God fearing nation, is the leading nation in pushing for this evil, beast system.

I wonder if the way I feel now is how the remnant of God fearing Israelites felt when most of their people worshipped Baal? :(

Truly, America has turned its face from the One who has blessed it...and we will reap the "rewards" of that turning.

I'll get off my soapbox now.....but Im watching for pillars of fire....