New Georgia gun bill....I searched and...


New member
I did a search on this and havn't quite found what I'm looking for, so if you have any info please enlighten me! I find different ammended versions and I was wondering if anyone here knew a link to the CURRENT version up for signing into law. SB 308 had a ton of different changes made to it (so I hear) I think the Govenor has until Jutne 4th to sign if he is. Any useful info would be appreciated, mostly on the updated list of places that can now be carried into, and NOT carried in. Also about making it legal to carry unholstered. (I have a clipdraw and wonder if that is legal or not. I've heard it both ways) So please if possible facts and links! I've heard all kinds of "I think..." Thanks guys
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The current bills are here

It looks like it should go through. Sonny Perdue (govenor) is a big gun supporter and even flexes his carry rights a bit.
When the public transportation carry law was passed there was a big fight at ATL airport about it. They claimed they were off limits still. Sonny stated "next week I am picking up my mom from the airport, and I always carry ........" I may have the statement a bit off, but you get the idea.
I note the new law specifically allows carry in the non-sterile area of the airport.