New find.


New member
Hello, yesterday I picked up a S&W M 29-3 6" for $375 at a gun show. It was the only one at the show and I got there when it opened. My dad, in a usual fit of jealousy and competition, had to get a .44 mag also. He picked up a NIB Taurus Tracker .44 4" for $180 and trade of his Ruger D95 9mm. Every time we go to a show he buys the same caliber as me, but usually a different brand.
Are you complaning

Just sounds like your dad and you have the same likes in guns.
Be glad, after his experance during WW2 I couldnt get my dad to touch another firearm and he saw some pretty bad places.
Personaly you got the better deal if the 29 is in good shape.
It's in great shape! No scratches or holster wear. Just a light turn ring on the cylinder.
Still sounds like a VERY good buy

Around here (Indiana) that gun would go across the counter in the 500 range.
Did it come with a box,,, wooden? then a little more.
Now if it was a 5 screw that would be a different story.
6 in take a little longer to sell and might be one reasion they left it go at that price that and how much they had in it, but its still what I would consider a good buy, we know one thing for sure, N fames are GOOD guns.
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