Having taken one buck and a young doe thus far this bowseason, I was out for one more doe for the freezer. I have been shooting very well this year, and it was the first year for me to try carbon arrows and expandable broadheads. Both deer taken to this point died within easy sight of the stand, arrows and broadheads performing perfectly. With snow predicted moving in for the afternoon, I hit the stand again with high expectations, and indeed got to see a few deer moving by. Then comes a deer which, to me, is more rare than even an excellent buck - one of the true old-timer "survivor" does. I have probably only shot 2 that truly qualify for that title in 35yrs of deer hunting...both aged at 5 1/2 or 6 1/2 years, and running up to 170lb dressed weight. Anyway, after a double- and triple- take to insure there were no horns, I drew my bow. The slight moisture from the wet falling snow caused my arrow to "moan" softly as it drew back through the whisker biscuit, which alerted the deer, but I quickly got off a seemingly perfect broadside shot. Everything felt good, and though I visually could not verify the hit location I knew by the sound that it had hit. The deer bolted, I watched it run full out until it was out of sight. 30 minutes of daylight remaining, light snow falling, not 100% sure of hit location...what to do? I waited 30 minutes, climbed down, and with flashlight tried to find the arrow to help determine the hit location and whether to wait or begin following. No arrow to be found. Decided to follow the trail for a bit to observe bleeding characteristics. Blood visible on the light snow, but not heavy...followed a bit further and seemed to be lightening if anything...soon found both halves of my broken arrow, both soaked in good blood. Seemed I should wait, but I was concerned that the ongoing snow may cover what blood and trail was there, so I pushed on. Deer was found dead within 100yds of stand, with a well placed double-lung pass through (with fully expanded broadhead)....so why the nearly non-existent blood trail? This absolutely huge doe was carrying up to 1 3/4" of hard fat over the ribs(up to 4" on the "hips") - although the entrance and exit wounds were bleeding heavily, the blood was blocked from flowing externally and flowed in the intra-fat and muscle tissue instead. In short, when butchering, this doe appeared to have been belted by at least a 12 gauge slug or something, with huge areas of "bloodshot" meat near the front shoulders/ribs. Just one more "odd" experience to add to the collection....there are so many things to consider before following that trail!