New DS-10 Speed Loaders Are The Best


New member
Recently DS-10 Speed Loaders sent me 5 of their new design to test them out compared to my older generations. I have 4 different sets of different configurations now and have 19 loaders all together.

Over that past few months I broke a couple of loaders while in my tight fitting shooter's bag. They were the original designed blue loader. I put all 19 in a plastic bag in my shooting bag and it's so tight that I broke the exposed nut on 2 of them.

All the others are working fine but the newest model is working best. It's easier to grab and to reload with it so to replace my old broken ones I ordered 3 of the new design today to keep my total for matches.

I also ordered a LPA rear sight for my S&W 617. The stock sight will not give me a consistent zero at 25 yards and is hard to see against my black front partridge front sight. I do you black sight spray and it helps but I want better adjustment capability.

With the new speedloaders my loads are almost as good as when shooting my centerfires with moon clips. That's a big advantage when shooting Steel Challenge and I actually needed to reload on two stages today. I need to concentrate on that front sight in the center of a blurred target. When I remember this I go 5 for 5.
