New CZ?


New member
Howdy all,

I was thinkin about buying a new CZ probably in a .40S&W. I was previously thinking about the Ruger p944 and was wondering how they match up. What can ya'll tell me about the CZ and what are the cost of them? I am still thinking about the Ruger so keep that in mind. Thanks again.

CZ is better

The CZ 75 .40 is a much better gun the the Ruger P944. Better accuracy, trigger, ergonomics, balance, recoil control, etc. Considering that the prices are similar, why settle on a less refined gun (Ruger)? If it fits you right, get the CZ. If not, look at other brands also.

I've owned both and sold the P94. I just could not get proficient with that pistol, although I did not have similar problems with the P95 or the P97. I do own a CZ 75B in .40 (and another in 9mm) and I really believe that these two pistols are some of the best values in handguns. Loads that I made up for the Ruger feel much lighter in the CZ. The gun handles well, fits the hand much better, points easily and is very accurate.

Rant mode on.
As to Bill Ruger, it is amazing that just one man could have had so much power and influence over congress as to singlehandedly enact that dastardly piece of legislation. Wow, he must be the most powerful man alive.
Rant mode off.


[Edited by mbott on 05-07-2001 at 11:21 AM]
I've put one or two rounds through CZs over the years, and I've handled Ruger autos more than I'd like to admit.

Not even close. Get the CZ.

Thanks for your help guys.

What in particular makes them a better gun to you? Besides what Bill Ruger did. Why would you choose one of them over the Ruger? How is their customer support system? Are they any good?

Sorry for all the questions, but i don't know anything about CZ's.


Hello. The CZ seems to appear "prettier" to most folks than the Ruger and that includes me. The DA pull is long but good and it allows for cocked and locked carry, which the Ruger does not.

I've been shooting CZ75s for about 2 decades and have replaced not one original part due to wear or breakage. The price is much better today and original capacity magazines can still be had for less than others, although in the forty, this likely won't be the case as they were produced well after the 9mm.

In my admittedly subjective opinion, the CZ comes with better sights than the Ruger as well.


I would choose the CZ over Ruger because of accuracy. At one time, I owned 6 Rugers: three of them P-series guns. I've now sold them all in favor of the CZs. I had no quarrel with the Rugers, except the P94 in .40 caliber that I mentioned earlier. However, after picking up my first CZ 75B in .40 caliber and seing how accurate I could be with one, I saw no point in not getting a CZ 75B in 9mm, too.

Then I checked out the CZ 97B in .45. so I sold my two remaining P-series Rugers and am throughly enjoying shooting the CZ's.

Mr. Camp mentioned cocked and locked carry, which I've done for the last 20+ years. In my book, just another thing in the CZ's favor.

The CZs have a better finish, better fit, better accuracy. better durability, than the Rugers. Or just about anything else I've seen, for that matter. I've been shooting CZ products about as long ('82) as the other Stephen in this thread, and I'm in complete agreement with him. I've had very little reason to talk to their customer support, but they've been very helpful answering questions.

On a subjective note, the CZ is the most ergonomic double stacked pistol I've ever held. They can be carried cocked and locked, which is my preferred way to do it. I like the availability of grips for the CZ. Yeah, they are prettier, too. I find take-down easier, also, since I always forget to put the ejector back up on the Rugers. CZ's history is also pretty darned impressive, with the VZ-24 and the Bren Gun topping the resume. Frankly, I have faith in CZ to produce a superior product. Not confidence: Faith.


In case you've never shipped to the manufacturer; they ship over-night and you HAVE to be present on day of delivery or it goes back (Fed-Ex rules, I think).

Is that a local Fed-Ex thing? I'm serviced out of Columbus, OH and whenever they attempt the deliver a handgun, or any firearm for that matter, and I'm not home, they leave a door tag telling me they will make two more attempts. I just call them up have them hold for pickup. I'll drive down there after work and before they close and pick the package up, usually the same day. Can't get service like that from ups: they usually make you wait until the following afternoon.

I love my new CZ-75 in .40S&W, I am just so glad I bought it when I did and the steel 12 rd magazines just seem to jump out when empty!

Well made, easy to strip, nice D/A trigger too.Well designed - with ambi-safety too, barrel bush and good mag release.Accurate too.


I am not certain about the 40cal CZ but I know that the CZ75 in 9mm is the second most accurate ootb 9mm. Second only to the SIG 210.

My CZ 75B in .40 caliber (a '99) has an ambidextrous safety. My CZ 75B in 9mm (a '96) doesn't.

I thought it was against the law in texas for an
aggie to own a gun. I seen an aggie snake gun the
other day at a gun show it was an old rifle stock
attached to a hoe. exact same thing I use.!!

Anyway, I have a ruger and cz75b in 9mm neither has
ever given me problems, but the the cz is my favorite
as it is more accurate, tighter, feel is close to a
1911(which I like a lot). Overall CZ.!!!

aggie father and proud.!!!