New CZ 75 Mil--Couple Questions....


New member

Just bought a new CZ 75 Military model. Thought I should hurry berfore the low price is history! It came with the one preban and one 10 rounder. My question is on the preban:
The one that came with my pistol has witness holes on the side and are labeled 5, 10, and 15.
I just bought a second preban from my dealer, which is advertised as factory original, but the witness holes are not numbered. Is this normal for some mags? It's identical in every way, except the lack of numbers on the witness holes. No other markings are on either mag.

Also, are these fairly reliable pistols? They sure seem nice. The mags seem to hold 15 with room to spare, I like a mag thats easy to load--much better than the Klinton mags!
Thanks Guys
I'm told that there are variations in the factory mags as different companies manufactured the mags for CZ. You can get more info at Good luck with the 75, I'm sad to say that both of mine were unreliable and are both on their way out the door. Good luck!
I have a couple of cz's...including a 75. They are rumored to be as dependable as any handgun in the world. My guns have been
literally flawless. They feed all ammo and are very accurate.
You can hear the brass hit the fallen brass as it is ejected...same
spot..(for what that was worth?) I dont think you can go wrong with a CZ. Another moderator checked out the comments posted on for good vs bad. The results were 99.50% good. This is a forum dedicated to all cz questions/comments. Including a very good place to get answers if you have/suspect a problem with a CZ. 99.50% isnt perfect...just damn close. :D
Shoot well
I'm a big fan of CZ's, and have three myself, and also have a CZ clone (Witness Sport Long Slide in .45 acp.)

Mine have been flawless -- and with trigger jobs, among the best shooting guns I have, and I have or have had some very nice ones.

That said, I've found that most of the GUN-SPECIFIC forums, with the possible exception of the Kel-Tec Forum, tend to be cheering sections for buyers trying to confirm their latest buying madness. So forums like Ruger, SIG, CZ, etc., seldom give you objective information about what you should buy. This continues to be a source of disappointment for me: objectivity is generally somewehre else.

These forums DO give you good tips about improving your guns, or about remedying small problems...
Hey Walt...

I must (very respecftully) disagree. The CZforums only bias is
towards CZ guns. We emphasize the fact that we want to know
anything and everything about our favorite guns. Both negative and positive! CZUSA, the sole importer and main repair/modification facility for the states is our resource for any
major problems, which do surface from time to time.

We have a section on CZ Clones and also welcome info on
all/any firearms our members think we would like to hear about.

I believe the opinion of a "cheering section" is actually quite accurate on an elemental basis. However, thats only the ground level and mainly for new members. Your perception is easily justified on our forum. We are very enthusiastic about the forum and its membership as a whole.
When a forum is based on such a good line of firearms combined with a membership like ours. We really dont have alot of bad things to say....we own/love/shoot CZ's
Respectfully, Eric...........shoot well
Eric Larsen wrote
>>> I must (very respecftully) disagree. The CZforums only bias is towards CZ guns. We emphasize the fact that we want to know anything and everything about our favorite guns. Both negative and positive! CZUSA, the sole importer and main repair/modification facility for the states is our resource for any major problems, which do surface from time to time. We have a section on CZ Clones and also welcome info on all/any firearms our members think we would like to hear about.

Eric, I agree with you. My CZ questions get answered faster and more authoritatively here. A lot of the people at CZforum are also selling parts and accessories, and they clutter up the forum with images.

RE: the magazines. Some were made by Mec-Gar. There is a debate over whether the "factory" mags are better, which is especially complicated because Mec-Gar made some of the factory mags! And two different guys sell the factory ($40) or Mec-Gar ($35) there - so they're half that thread. I have both kinds and they've worked fine. The only mag that doesn't seem to work well for CZ are ProMags.
Mec Gar vs Mec Gar

I have to agree with the confusion issue. Mec Gar makes some of the best mags in the world and alot of those are CZ's mags.

As you can tell I like the CZ Forum. I may get a little defensive about it on TFL for a couple of reasons. I respect SSSSOOOOO
much that I learn on this forum...just as I do on CZ. But it also
seems some people on TFL seem to answer negatively and
ridiculously about most anything...just for the sake of responding.
It gets frustrating.

Shoot well
Sorry if my comments sounded like a BASH of the CZ-Forum. It wasn't meant that way.

My point, which I think remains valid, is that GUN-Specific boards tend to be more focused on confirming the buying decision. You seldom hear much that is critical on the chosen gun on such boards. (But you do hear it from time to time on the CZ forum and it is dealt with very objectively.)

That said, there is a lot of good info on the CZ-forum. But, then again, I've learned more of real value about the CZ right here on The Firing Line. Not much critical content about the CZ, here, either. (Surprisingly so, given the diverse range of shooters and favored guns.)

The best forum for balance, I've found, is the Kel-Tec Owners Group forum and board, where you get really good advice. And you hear a lot of complaining there -- but that's probably because the Kel-Tec guns need a little more refinement than some other guns, straight out of the box. (I carried a Kel-Tec P-11 for a couple of years, but have since moved on to other guns. It was accurate, reliable, durable, and a good price. I just couldn't shoot it worth a crap under stress.)

The Glock and SIG forum never met a Glock or Sig, respectively, they didn't like. <grin>
VVG: I missed your comment about ProMags for the CZs, earlier.

I have 6 Hi-Cap Promags, and they've been great -- and more reliable than my CZ factory mags. (I've had two mags fail: a Cz high cap, and a cz-nuetered.) I've got mayabe 15 mags in all, and they've all been pretty good. They range from Mec-Gar, to Factory, to Pro-Mag, to IMI/Magnum Research.
Thanks for the good words. I will continue learning from all of you at TFL and CZ. I think some people lose sight of when in a are a part of it. shoot well