New CZ 557 Carbine


New member
Just picked up my new 557 Carbine and am in the process of putting together a good scope set up---plenty of info on the 550 series with scope rings listed for them from several different sources, but my question is, will the various 1" rings made for the 19mm dovetail on the 550's work on the new 557's ? I also have a set for 527 but my back in Indiana buddy would have to ship them to me--

The 557 Carbine is still relatively new and all the suppliers aren't listing much for them as yet so I'm hoping someone on the forum may have an idea on which way to go --- I would assume that the rings that are listed for the 550 would work fine on a 557 but don't want to order them if this is not the case ---John
Forget what I said prior to my edit- I just saw where you said 557 instead of 527. Integrated 19mm- yup they ought to work. The listings for the 550's say the same thing about sights & bases.
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Well dang- I'm not liking the direction CZ seems to be going here. Seems one can no longer get a 6.5x55 on a 550 with a single set trigger. All the 557's are push feed with adjustable triggers.

I hates progress.
Seems I remember reading, possibly in the American Rifleman, that the 550 series will slowly be phased out and the 557's will assume that section of CZ's guns built with the American shooter in mind---I've had at least four other CZ's and this 557 is every bit as well made as the my 550 FS, my .308 CZ American and my CZ .22's --- they say that sales of the 550's have dropped off in the last few years so they are revitalizing this segment of the line-up--

I will imagine that at some point they will offer one of the 557s with a full stock---the article was also honest in saying that this new bolt is much easier to manufacture than the 550 Mauser type, these are made in-house rather than contracted out to an outside company as the 550 bolts were---

I've just had this a few days so have not had a chance to take it to the range as yet but the test target shipped with the gun looks very good---
I can kinda see where their sales could take a dip. Times have been tough for many, and the big 3 in the US have all been offering budget lines. I'd like to eyeball a 557- but to me, a CZ just ought to have CRF and a single-set trigger. I've never really cared for that FS look. I mean, I can really appreciate the look of a fine hand crafted one- but I guess I'm just not fancy enough to want one of my own.
I had a .22 and a 30-06 in the full length stock, both of them scoped and I got to say they looked pretty good---both got sold to guys I met out at the range that were blown away by the full length stock--but, one problem with the 06 was the cool down time between shot strings was way too long due to that wood held in the heat--fortunately, it was sighted in pretty quick plus it wouldn't be a concern while hunting ---this 557 will be my last CZ, I'm keeping this one---

Different firing range and different state, these Louisiana boys are pretty much synthetic stock buyers due to guns get used pretty hard down here--I'm spoiled, used to sitting under a shade tree waiting for a ground hog or calling a coyote, not keeping an eye out for Cottonmouths, Rattlers and wild boar that have territorial issues---I'm learning a new way to hunt real fast---

Strange, but a lot of the guys I meet or work with, hunt with shotguns and .22's. Very little opportunity to use the long range varmint calibers so I sold my CZ in .204 after we got down here---I've got five photos of the new 557 I took yesterday but can't figure out how to resize them for the forum--
CZ 557 carbine

Congrats on the new purchase . I assume you went with the 30-06 ?
I spoke with a CZ Kansas City rep a couple weeks ago on what scope rings to use on the 557 carbine. He said to use the same 1" 550 American scope rings. I asked about using other ring manufacturers and his reply was that there were many others that would do the job just fine. His personal preference was a shorter ring. He liked his scope as close to the barrel as possible and that the iron sights would not be a issue as they would not be visible.
I had been waiting for months for the 550 American 308 to become available again to disappointedly find out it had been discontinued . When I first looked at the pictures 557 I was not wowed. I started looking at other manufacturers but kept on returning to take peeks of the 557 carbine . Well all I can say is I now love the carbine lines.Obviously some significant differences with the new push feed vrs. the Mauser control feed which CZ have used forever. I hope they got it right on their new push feed...Sako ,Browning and Savage got it down.
I am looking to purchase the 557 Carbine in 270. The short action 308 which was my first choice will not be available till June/ July according to CZ KC..and I think that was a guess on their part. I read everything ( twice )I could find on the 308/270 caliber comparison and finally decided to join the Jack O'Connor crowd . The primary reason for wanting the 308 was because recently hunting in the Texas Hill country I dropped three 200 lb. hogs in their tracks using my brother in laws Savage Axis 308 . Not having any prior experience with any high caliber it was hard to argue with success.
I would like to know what ammo you end up selecting . My understanding from my reading and the CZ rep that each barrel is unique and that barrel will have a affinity with particular ammo's .
I would like to know what you decide on your scope set up. I am looking at the Leupold VX2 3-9 x 40
I'm going to stick with what I know and am familiar with, the 06---I was strongly considering the .308 also, but went with the 06 due to I've always had at least one 06 in my collection---thanks a bunch for the info from the rep, that's exactly what I was looking for, conformation that the 550 rings were correct.

My local gun store has a new Nikon Prostaff in the 3-9x40 with the range finder reticle [ a favorite of mine ], and runs a little under the $250 mark---I've had good luck with the 3-9x40's in the past, most of the time set them on six and use them pretty much as a fixed power--

I've owned two of the 550 series in the past, both were outstanding shooters so I'm positive I'll love this carbine---this will be the one I hang on to. I've always had good luck with the 150 grainers from Remington/Peters or Federal. I don't shoot enough to reload, but then a box of ammo is right at $20 or so and as much as I shoot, I can afford that. Read recently though that the 165 grain shoots real well in this gun so I'll be trying some of those also---

This came with a test target, two almost touching ,a hair left of dead center and a "flyer", maybe 1/8 above them so as with my other CZ/s, I'm not even a little concerned about accuracy----it shoots.

You might strongly consider getting one of these carbines or the "Lux" model, difference is that the Lux is a little more "sculpted" with the squared off Bavarian style cheek piece where the standard carbine has the rounded American style cheek piece---if your eye sight is good, it would be fun to try this carbine with the new fiber optic front sight-----John
CZ 557 carbine

It's a done deal. Received the shipment of the 557 carbine in 270 and the Leupold last week ...could not be happier. Going hog hunting end of May . Hope to have some stories following the hunt.
I know this is a bit dated.

More or less I am looking for a factory 30-06 that holds 1 MOA or better with 5 shot groups.

So I would be interested if anyone is target shooting with the rifle and particularity the 30-06.