New Civilian Heckler and Koch .45ACP Carbine!!!


New member
Heckler and Koch will be producing a civilian variant of the UMP submachinegun. This carbine will be in .45ACP, comes will one 10 round mag and sling. It has a 16 inch barrel and looks very similar to the HK UMP! Release date is Nov. 99 and the sticker price is anywhere between $900 and $1000. The picture was supposedly on the HK USA website, but I couldn't find it. A dealer is already taking down payments on these badboys. His ad is in under Heckler and Koch rifles.
It's a shame that they don't make em' to take Thompson, Greasegun, or some other cheap, plentiful, 30 round mag.
As a long time HK supporter - it would be assumed that I would be all over this.

I am not. I am underwhelmed by this... I would put it in a 5-600 dollar range and say it would be worth while... but 1000 and you know it will go for a grand or better at the local shops...
10 round magazine? Nice... If it took the existing 30 rounders then great! But it doesnt and there is no way to get the high caps for these either. So I say no thank you. I would rather get a Tommy, and have more left over money wise as well.

Tommy is better looking and you can get the high caps and if you wanted - could make the Tommy look like the Pulse Rifle from Aliens. 10X more Coolness that that stumpy ugly UMP.

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...



[This message has been edited by Ewok (edited July 08, 1999).]

I agree with you 100% on this one. I doesn't get my motor revving either. Maybe if it used HiCap mags or had some ground breaking features, I'd feal differently. But, Nope, It aint gonna happen.

Holy crap! Is that stock painted black??? I thought that they weren't allowed to import guns with a black stock, because black is "evil".

And a 10 round carbine? I think you can get Thompson and Greasegun mags for under $20 each, anyone know how to modify mag wells?

Hey HK, do you know what DUH means?
Hey, the only reason they are importing that weapon is due to the fact that it can't accept high capacity mags! The only grounds that I agree with you on are that it is way too overpriced.
That's a big bunch of gun to carry around for 10 rnds of .45... no thanks. Did HK team up with Norinco? I thought they had more class than that :(.

I agree the tommy gun is a better option, but they're really damn heavy. Lots of fun, but (IMHO) too heavy and awkward for practical purposes.
I still want to know what makes this thing any better than a Marlin Camp Carbine .45?? Just becuase HK makes it? I'm not impressed.

Wow... HK really did make a gun I dont want.

I guess if I was still the HK collector I used to be I would have to get one just out of princible.

Look at the long skinny barrel! Weak.
What kind of fixed stock is that? Weak.

HK... You failed me...
Tell me please... Other .45 stick mags could be made to work... You have a conversion kit... Something.

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


I saw this gun (and a .223 variant) at the SHOT show and they are REALLY Light. I mean, like almost TOO LIGHT. They felt like toys. Kinda like the Carbon 15 feels.

The magazines are proprietary single stack 10 rounders for both guns. HK says that ATF would not let them import a new gun that used older Hi-cap mags.
I wouldnt pee on that gun to put out a fire!
I like HK very well, but I woulndt pay the price of a action figure for that, not to mention about $1000 I could have a match springfeild M14 with as many rounds in the bag as I want, the last thing I want is to pay 1000 for a gun then $50 each for ten round magazines. Its good that gun is light because I dont thing I could throw it far enough.

"Its hard doing nothing, You never know when you are finished."
Get off your butts and CALL your elected leaders! Tell them magazines having more than ten rounds are not evil! Tell them that you will vote them out of office if they support anti-gun legislation, and then DO IT! Then HK will be able to sell the 30 round magazines to everyone. :D Then the HK UMP Carbine will sell for 500$ and we can all get one. Or two! :D ;)
Or we can sit on our butts and complain, while doing nothing to change things, and feel sorry for ourselves. :(
Myself, I'd like one to compliment my HK 91. :)

BTW Prichard, making 30 round mags is a felony, even from 10 round mags.

May your lead always hit center mass and your brass always land in your range bag.


[This message has been edited by blades67 (edited July 10, 1999).]
Oh yeah - that magazine ban will be lifted...


Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


All hi cap mags had to be manufactured before the law went into effect. I get the picture you are thinking about modifying the weapon to accept existing hi caps.

3 words:


Someone got paid big bucks to design a mag for that weapon that worked. I would hate to screw it up.