New "Chuck" in the inventory


New member
Yesterday I went and bought my first 1911, a Charles Daly Gov't model. Fit and finish of this gun is great, nice parkerized finish and no tool marks. The bore was beautiful as well. Nice and smooth with nice clean crisp rifling. Ran 50 rounds of PMC 230 gr and 50 CCI 230 gr ball thru it without a hiccup,burp or fart. While I didn't fire for group size yet, most shots were kept within the 9 and 10 ring. Some flew out , as I said this is m first 1911. Overall I am very impressed with this gun.
The only negatives I've heard about the Charles Daly guns -- and this from some 1911 experts and gunsmiths -- is that quality conrol is sometimes a litle spotty, and some key internal pieces may have "softer" metal than you'd really like on some samples -- leading to premature wear. All of these pieces can be replaced, so its more aggravating than anything else -- and typically include the pieces that would be replaced if upgrading.

If you're looking for an inexpensive starting gun to build something better, its apparently a good place to start.
My 1911 is a Para-Ord, and I can honestly say that it has never hiccuped, burped, or had any other improper bowel movements since I've owned it.
The only problem I have had with my CD is the front sight, which was soldered on and instead of I think the gunsmith said stapled and also it was also killing the last round casing out of the mag. That problem start at about 150 rounds and has since stopped after I replaced the recoil spring to an 18# one.

Also note that my Cd is an early one. I got it on line in early march 1999. I have been informed by the people at CD, that they know have dovetailed front sights.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?