New carjackings?


It seems like carjackings have gone least we don't hear about as many in the news lately.
How about your area of the nation? does carjackings seem to be dying down?

Has anyone found a good holster rig to use specifically to defend against a jacker coming from the driver's side?

Thanks for your input.
Those Fobus mounts are really neat. I'll probably get one and mount it in my pickup. Plop a hat over it to cover so it doesn't scare other drivers into calling the cops on me.

I also mount a CS Safe Keeper 2 (push dagger) onto the sunvisor that's really easy to grab. Anyone tries to get into my vehicle, it's eyeball kebob.
"Carjacking" is likely to have neither gone down, nor up, just the level of attention it gets.

It's just that the talking heads of the media have moved on to some other "crime de jour". You'll notice that, once some kind of new criminal "trend" is "discovered", it's the only thing the fools seem to be able to talk about.

Then the pols make up some feel-good laws banning it, and all the sheeple are secure in their knowledge that the government is keeping them safe. :barf:

"Carjacking" was big for a while, the pols made it a federal offense, and the media moved on to something else. I've seen identity theft, check washing, laser pointer muggings, ad nauseum. All of these things (except for the lasers) were being done back in the '30s, so it's not that it's new, just the level of attention being drawn to it is greater.

It seems to me that a holster that held the gun flat against your chest, with the barrel pointing up towards (but not AT) your shoulder would keep the weapon in the needed direction.

As long as it wasn't ported, you wouldn't even need to draw it, just fire it from the holster for the first shot. If the "jacker" was trying to pull you out of the car, or reaching through the window, the gun would already be in line with his torso.

Add a cable pull to the trigger and you wouldn't even have to reach for it directly. Though this would bring it into the realm of a concealed weapon, like a sleeve gun or something of the ilk.
Works for me. Then I could use that empty space on my belt for a mini fire extinguisher to put my hair out. :D

Your solution assumes a victim who is in grass-eater mode. "Geez, I was just grazing here and the next thing I knew, this wolf was on my back". I suggest that, at that point, you're already behind the curve...probably too far for heroics against the guy who just stuck a Raven in your ear.

More emphasis on the primary weapon (the brain) and less on the secondary (the gun). If you're aware of what's around you, you'll have time to draw a weapon... even if precautionary, because you don't like the way the foot traffic around you is starting to flow.

Betty has the right idea. I put a dedicated Glock 23 in a Fobus Universal mount between the seat and the center console of my Land Cruiser. It's invisible to anyone standing at either window. Also, quicker to present than from a standard concealment when walking down the street. Also, almost the identical draw stroke as when I'm carrying. Tough benefits to beat.

"Cable pull to the trigger"?
What can we say about that? It's umm "inventive". That it is. Definitely.
I don't think it's dying out, because I seem to hear about them happening with the same frequency, but the media attention has changed. They used to hype it, now it's just a blurb.
Carjackings have just picked up in our area, course in AR we run behind in everthing...BG's must have learned a new crime from the news...Crowbar to window, snatch & grab, or since driver freaked --take vehicle.

I needed this thread. I've just been keeping my eyes open and brain engaged. CCW strong side IWB -HAS been known to be placed 'crossdraw mexican style' don't like this. I'm in a truck with bench seats, real hesitant to chance losing weapon by sticking anywhere not secured.

Rich, runt...Fobus Idea a good one, have seen mounted for hiding under desks etc....still trying to figure where to mount on my truck.

And mine's paid for...rules out buying a new truck--

Last time things looked 'weird' ran the light...In Nashville TN no less...figured If got caught by law, tell the truth, ticket cheaper than the alternative...
Actually, the chest mounted pistol with the cable pull idea was taken from another site where it was proposed as a means of taking out a cop while he's standing at the drivers window, without alerting him as to what was about to happen.

It was also described as being mounted to the ceiling, instead of on the chest, using a solenoid for firing from a floor mounted switch.

I (shamelessly) plagerized the idea since I figured that if it could be used to kill someone who is, by the nature of the job, highly alert, then it could be used to take out a criminal who'd be less focused on personal safety and more into getting the "loot".

I've also seen cable fired weapons in various books about clandestine weapons (usually in WW2 related books), so the idea isn't too "inventive". Not if it's been around more than 50 years. :)

"...assumes a victim who is in grass-eater mode."

Aren't most victims people who were in "grass-eater" mode? If you're not "grass-eating", then likely you'll not be a victim? I like that blurb "Geez...wolf on my back." :D

Too bad TFL is going the way of the Dodo. I'm going to miss all the new things the members discover on the 'net and bring to my attention. It's like having thousands of eyes scouring the net for you. Oh well, back to Google 16 hours a day. ;)
Actually, the chest mounted pistol with the cable pull idea was taken from another site where it was proposed as a means of taking out a cop while he's standing at the drivers window
Now it makes sense...invented by that higher breed of intelligence....criminals.

Most of them wind up in prison because Murphy rides in all our back pockets...they get to call him "The Man" (as in, "The Man Only Caught Me Because The Neo Fascist Power Structure is Corrupt. not because I'm dumber than algae )

Let's see Mr. Murphy in action on the LAC with the same inteligence quotient:
- LAC is sitting at red light ogling the hooker on the corner. Bad Guy comes to passenger window. DOH!

- GG accidently rear ends LAC and now LAC needs to exit the vehicle. Does LAC take the cable with him? or just the gun that's pointed up at God? (God doesn't like guns pointed at Him either. God calls this the Full Hands-Free Sabrena) :D

- BG jumps in passenger or back seat and grabs LAC by the shirt. Bang. One single mother of five dead in the street while working her School Crossing Guard morning job. Darn, where'd that BG go? "Honest, he was here just a second ago".

- BG grabs LAC shirt from drivers window and takes one in the neck....mind you, it won't kill him. Quadraplegia is a Mr. Murphy preference. Guess what? BG wasn't armed!

IOW, nbk, the entire idea is a bit lacking. The fact that you "(shamelessly) plagerized the idea" gains you no bonus points. I love James Bond, too. I just have to believe most real life situations would fail with his methods.

TFL going the way of the DoDo? Not at all. We just figured we should shut down for about an Eon to let selected others catch up! :D
Personally, I'm partial to the S. African car flamethrower. Crispy critters on BOTH sides of the car. :D But these darned consumer protection laws won't let us have them. :(

Prevention is better than cure, of course.

Keeping all doors locked at all times, with windows rolled up, prevents the easiest ways in. So many times you hear "...reached through open window." OR "...opened unlocked car door."

Window laminates can make it virtually impossible for someone to force their way into the car by breaking the windows.


A Google search using ("security laminate" car) as a search term turns up many places that can do so for just a couple hundred dolllars.

Even just doing the drivers side window would likely reduce your risk by more than 50% since it's most likely to happen that the criminal will want you out, and him in, the drivers seat ASAP, without having to crawl over seats to do so.
re1973 wrote:
Last time things looked 'weird' ran the light...In Nashville TN no less...figured If got caught by law, tell the truth, ticket cheaper than the alternative..

heck, there are places in DC that i dont even *consider* stopping for a red light after 10 pm