New Bullet Mould


New member
Contacted Swede Nelson & asked for a 2 cavity NOE 454-255-RF mould. He had one & only a few days later it arrived. The man is quick.

Open her up & took a look. The blocks were clean, no burrs or out of place tool marks. The cavities were beautiful. Removing the sprue plate, screw & set screw I gave the blocks a going over with a nylon brush & hot soapy water. She looked good. The sprue plate was cleaned with starting fluid & brush.

Before cleaning



I coated the top of the blocks & both sides the sprue plate with Frankford Arsenal Drop Out, installed the plate, adjusted & replaced the set screw.



Installed the blocks on RCBS handles & placed on the stove to warm up along with a Lyman 4 cavity 358429.

Once the melt was at 750 degrees & the blocks up to temperature the casting began. The mould dropped acceptable bullets after only a few dumps. The bullets fell with little effort. These are the first.

I sized at .454 for my 1973 New Model Blackhawk Ruger using LBT Blue lube. These fit my cylinder perfectly. The bases fill out well with a loose sprue plate, the lube groove is plenty large, & the meplat should be a killer.



I’ll load these first chance & see how they do, I’m expecting good things. BTW they came from the mould using wheel weight alloy at .454+ & 258 grains.
Finally took a break from firewood & fishing to try this bullet. I loaded 50 with 7.0 grains of HP38 & a Tula primer.

The bullet has a nice crimp groove. These were lubed with LBT Blue. The first target fired was on a previously used paper plate. If you throw out the called flyer its 1 ½”. All targets were shot at 30 yards.


Second target was 1 7/8” & third 2 1/4”


Notice the vertical stringing no doubt do to the fuzzier than normal front sight today. It’s hard to repeat the vertical hold & I would have been better served holding center.
These bullet were cast from air cooled wheel weight alloy. The barrel shows no signs of leading though I haven’t cleaned to be perfectly sure. I do believe however the load was too lite & needs to be increased. The cases were sooty so next load will be at least 7.5 grains. I’ll need the extra velocity as my rear sight is bottomed.

This is providential, I was looking at the very same bullet with a gascheck. I have been trying to get decent accuracy from my '73 winchester copy for years now. My biggest success was with a Lee mold that looks a lot like yours. I have been reduced to sizing, heat treating and lubing the bullets and loading with 2400 to get a half way decent group. I started out with pyrodex and wheel weights and the 454190 a few years back. Anyway I was hoping the gascheck would increase the accuracy just a smidge more. The mold and your bullets look great btw.
I've got 3 moulds from Swede already and have signed up for 2 more. I have met him in person and he is a very stand-up guy. Couldn't say enough good about him. As for his moulds, all I can say is they are a sight for sore eyes and shoot even better. Some of the best looking moulds I have ever seen. He cuts the moulds using CNC equipment and is establishing a very good reputation for himself. Prices are very reasonable. Only complaint I could possibly have would be that there are so many group buys lined up for his moulds he is booking a full year in advance right now. I'll be patient because I know it is not a good idea to rush a good thing. His group buys are keeping my discretionary spending account at a minimum.
I sometimes fimd myself wishing I was able to save long enough to purchase those nice molds. I end up loosing patience and ordering a cheapo Lee, and buying a ton of powder, and primers. Then of course the new gun to cast for from time to time as well.

My new mold is no longer new. I have it cooling off as I type, going back to cast some more with it. :cool: I hope I can cast enough to not have to do much casing when it is scorcher hot in the summer here. My Big Dipper works well though I know the AC can not compete with it on a tripple digit day.:eek: Last summer there were 80 of those in a row.:eek::eek:. with night time temps near 85. Oh well I am gonna go check the mold now.:D