New Book about Vintage .22 rifles


New member
I posted this earlier in the section Art of the Rifle; Pumps, Lever, and Bolt Rifles. Then I realized it probably needs to be in this section. I recently published a new book that deals exclusively with vintage .22 rifles of all types. The title is Walnut and Steel: Vintage .22 Rifles. The manufacturers covered are Winchester, Remington, Marlin, Savage, and Stevens. Most of the rifles covered are some of the real classics, but some are lesser known. I talk about history and development, operation and handling characteristics, accuracy, hunting with the vintage .22, proper care and maintenance, and current value. It's available as an e-book, hardback, and paperback from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Booksamillion, and For more information, please visit my website: Thanks for your interest
You forgot Mossberg. I have a Model 34 .22 L.S, LR manufactured in 1934-35. My grandfather gave it to my dad, my dad gave it to me, I gave it to my son who will give it to his daughters...
Sorry for the omission. Mossbergs are great rifles, along with many others that I just didn't have room for. Most of the 20 rifles covered are the most popular classic .22s from the major manufactuers. Hopefully, I can include your Mossberg in the sequel. Thanks for your interest.
Sorry, I thought there was. It's available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Booksamillion, and the publisher Thanks for pointing this out.
More info on the book

Thanks guys for helping me out here. I may know something about guns and writing, but I'm lost in cyberspace when it comes to computers. I spent about six years researching, testing, and writing this book, and I loved every minute of it. As my wife says, my passion for vintage .22 rifles shows through. For those who are interested, Amazon allows you to read about the first 15 pages or so to get a sample of it. I plan to update the website soon. Thanks again for everyone's interest:)
New Pictures, etc. on web site

I just wanted to let everyone know that I recently added some more photos to my website ( Also, there are some more links on where you can order the book. Finally, on this Memorial Day weekend, let us never forget those who fought and died so that we can still enjoy the rights and freedoms that we hold so dear. With great freedom comes great responsibility. Freedom is never free.
Thanks Jackpine. I sincerely hope you enjoy it. Even if you don't, please let me know, and please submit a review to the bookseller. Thanks again and Happy Memorial Day!
Hi Bill, Yes it can. You can see a sample of it on Amazon and Barnes and Noble's websites. Thanks for asking and Happy Memorial Day! P.S. I looked at your website. Gorgeous knives and superb craftsmanship! What is the general price range?
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Rifles covered in book

I know a lot of you are curious about which rifles are covered in the book, so here is a list: Stevens Favorite and M44, Savage M1909, M1912, M29, M4, and the Savage/Anschutz M164 Sporter, Marlin M20 and M39A, Remington M12, M121, and M24, Winchester M61, 62A, M52 Sporter, M75 Sporter, M74, M77, and M9422. I also talk about many more rifles in the history of the manufacturers and their products. I'm sorry if I have omitted anyone's favorite old .22. I hope to have another book out before too long that will cover quite a few more. Thanks again everyone for your interest. Happy Memorial Day to all. Sincerely, WalnutBill22 (
Effects of a bulged or ringed barrel

I was wondering if anyone has experience with a .22 rifle that has a bulged or ringed barrel. I have a couple of .22 rifles that have this problem, and it is one of the topics I address in my book. Basically, I have found that it really doesn't seem to have any adverse effect on accuracy or ballistics as long as the bulge isn't too large. I would guess that it would probably depend on the location of the bulge and the condition of the rest of the barrel. Anyone else have any hands-on experience with a bulged barrel?
Just ordered a Kindle version.

I just took a quick peek and the download. A very impressive book indeed. Now I need to have the time to read the entire book. Well done by the writer, I'm going to enjoy it fore sure and it's a good reference. Covers many of the little 22's I grew up with and now covet. Like a Winchester Model 62 that I finally aquired.
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Thanks JWT. I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think.

Thanks again for your very kind words, JWT, and congratulations on your acquisition of the M62, one of John Browning's all time classics. As you probably already know, it evolved from his earlier M1890 with only minor changes and is known for its dependability, accuracy, and ruggedness. If you have time when you finish the book, please write a review of it for Amazon or wherever you purchased it. Many kind regards, and good shooting, Bill
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I'm farther into the book Bill, and really enjoying it. Skipped around a bit, reading the last two chapters and the chapter on Winchester and then the first three chapters. You've done a fine job on it and I intend to review it for Amazon once I'm done. It is an interesting and informative read. - John