New Bob Barr campaign video..

I like Bob Barr too bad he didn't stay in the Republican party and run for president like Ron Paul, the Libertarian party will never get enough support to win a presidential election so make no mistake about it a vote for Bob Barr is a vote for Obama. Clinton won because of Ross Perot taking 20% of the Republican vote so if that's what you want to happen vote Libertarian.
well said nemsis.
Libertarians will have Obama as their next president, all so they could "make a point"
Lord help us. Im fixxing to start digging holes to hide my guns and ammo in.
Why do Libertarians owe their votes to Republicans?

If the Republican Party wants votes, especially the votes of members of another party, isn't it up to them to earn those votes?
We don't Nate. That's the kool-aid that the statists would have us drink.

If Obama wins the election if will be because none of his rivals could convince the people that they were the best person for the job..plain and simple.
Bob Barr's no libertarian. This certainly is an odd election year...
I agree...

also I never understood the a vote non R is a vote for D logic.

Just Imagine......If the GOP was for limited Govt......the above trap-logic would have no power.

never understood why the diehard R's want you to vote R even if it means giving up principle. (If you give up principle...what's left....dont you turn into the very thing you are trying to avoid?......yes, you do......and he is a RINO running for office right now)

The parties will continue to get closer and closer as the above logic continues.........until enough people stop the "lesser of 2 evils crap" and start back to basic.....start getting back to a solid track record principle. (which is why Reagen....and yes even Ron paul were inspiring) so much thank you.
Right. Pass the whipped cream! :D

There IS another choice. His name is Bob Barr and he is running for President of The United States.
Lets cut to the chase here. All the Barr supporters can answer together in chorus if they wish. Considering he's running for the job of Commander in Chief of the US armed forces what is his military experience? (other than watching a rerun of Rambo II one night when he couldn't sleep)

So now that we've established his military service record how did he enjoy being a member of the Young Democrats and protesting against the Viet Nam war?

Anybody want to argue that his participation in the "war on drugs" has done anything to actually "win" said "war"?

Is he homophobic or merely sexist?

Does he really regret his Patriot Act vote or does he just regret being called on it?

Where is he on freedom of religion for non Christians?

Does he color his mustache? :D
I am not a die hard Republican, it's just that the Democrats are so far out in left field it doesn't leave me with much choice.

the primary is the place to vote for your principles not the election

Lord knows I'm no McCain fan but the simple truth is their are only two people that can win the presidency McCain or Obama

McCain is about +60% of what I want in a President, Obama is about -20%

you don't have to be a math wiz to figure it out :D
also I never understood the a vote non R is a vote for D logic.

It's not exactly a vote FOR D. It just means that if you vote for a third party then R is one vote closer to defeat. Pretty much a no brainer.