New BIll will outlaw Transfer or Ownership of ALL Hi-caps !! (??)

That is my impression of it and considering that Feinstein is from Cali and SB23 goes to the Calif floor for final vote end of next month, it makes sense that there would be some similarity.

SB23 will outlaw sales and possesion of mags that hold greater than 10 rounds, for all firearms and all calibers. I don't know what the grace period is but, if you don't get rid of them you are an automatic criminal.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
If this is true, and mind you I say "IF" since this is the first I've heard of it, it would make thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of otherwise law abiding citizens criminals with the stroke of a pen.
So what are they gonna do? They can't lock us all up. No room in the prisons. Door to door searches? They know better than to try.And just who will enforce it? No LEO I know is stupid enough to try. The first arrest has the capability to turn into a government PR nightmare.
Nope, it's just another gun law they won't/can't enforce. To even attempt to enforce this would mean the government has finally crossed that line we have discussed here before.
I won't turn in the few that I own and I'll fight if they try to take them. Enough is enough.

[This message has been edited by Grayfox (edited May 24, 1999).]
IF it is true, would that mean that LEOs are supposed to get all new marked HI-caps for duty guns, or would they be allowed to retain pre-ban (1st ban) mags ??

Would there be a grace period for registration for everyone?

Would YOU (yes, YOU) be willing to shoot any federal agents that came to take away the mags you have now ?

G*&%D^&* Feinstein. Why can't she just fall into the San Andreas fault and disappear with the rest of the dirt after one of our infamous earthquakes?
IMO, it does not matter if you keep them. Wait until you use them to defend yourself and shoot someone with them! You are now in deep spit!
The mags are USELESS if they are outlawed, even if you hang on to them. Use them for practice? Why? Why risk getting caught so you can practice with them? Use them in your carry gun? Then you might just hesitate at the last moment to draw your gun, knowing that the repercussions will be severe. Use them in your home defense gun? Then what happens when/if you plug an intruder with 15 rounds in three seconds?
The mags are totally useless if they are illegal. The only think you could do with them is hide them for a really-bad-day.


Ps- I am a bit confused: Is this going in as a Califonia law or a Federal US law?
Also, is this already law or just being introduced?

[This message has been edited by thaddeus (edited May 24, 1999).]
It certainly isn't the law already.. I was under the impression that it was part of a bill that has already passed the US Senate, but I am not 100% sure of that.. it could be part of a bill that has not been voted on yet.

Thaddeus, I hope you are not suggesting that we turn our mags in, because they are useless ??

I saw just the opposite, what if Hundreds of Thousands of people showed up at their local police departments the day after the law is in effect and turned themselves in federal felons. I'm talking about waiting until possession would make you a felon, not turning in the mags.. but actually clogging the US legal sysem with half a million non-violent felons.

I'd head downtown with a beat up old Aftermarket 15 rounder or an AR mag or something.. let them take it as evidence and book me in with thousands of other "felons".... What are they gonna do put up prison camps?? I'd say that would be a big balloon going up in the air. if they were ready to imprison hundreds off thousands of people for that "crime."

Read Rob's original response was comparative.

SB23 is California law...Feinstein's HiCap bill is Federal.
SB23 is slated for final voting late June/early July.....I suspect there is much more time on Feinstein's Federal bill. Calif SB23 will outlaw sales and possession of hi-cap mags; Feinstein is from California, the anti's have the momentum, ergo I believe that the Federal law will mirror the Calif law.

Recall that SB23 did pass late last year but ex-Gov Wilson veto'd his campaign newly elected Gov Davis promised to sign it.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
also SB23 applies to rifles as can kiss your 20 and 30 rd AR-15 and Mini-14 mags goodbye

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Yep, life suks. Especially in Cali. Hopefully the rest of the country will be spared.

I would never turn in jack spit. That is a violation of not just one of my rights but a number of them. Screw that. I am just frustrated and saying that even when I don't turn them in they will be totally useless and just sit buried in a safe or something. I am frustrated that the law would render many products that I have spent a lot of money on to be useless and worthless.
Kinda like Black Talons are now, but 100 times worse (because Black Talons are not illegal, just not politically-correct). You can have all the Black Talons you want right now but I would not suggest carrying them. Shoot someone in defense with one even in your own home and the media and courts will tear you up.
An *illegal* hi-cap mag would be many times worse. Use that to defend yourself and you are up spit creek without a paddle.
Turn them in? Ha! I would keep my hi-caps just to spite them if nothing else.

just my very angry take on it....
It's been said that SB23 applies to hi-cap rifle mags as well...does Feinstein's federal bill do the same?
I heard tell that a security guard reported that the demon child from Columbine got like two shots off with his evil Tec-9 hi-capacity "assault pistol" before it JAMMED and he threw it away in favor of the shotgun which, along with 67 bombs, he and his cohort slaughtered many.

If this is true, it is rather ironic how the hi-cap Tec-9 is being sodomized in the media. That POS probably saved a life or two when it jammed.

Ok, I just read it( Feinstein's Bill) and as it stands at this moment

It applies to every firearm...pistols, rifles and shotguns.

It forbids possession as well....there are the usual exceptions...LEO, Feds, Military

So, its a little less draconian than SB23...which will classify Ruger 10/22 as assault rifles.
Has anybody brought this to the attention of Ron Paul, Neal Knox or even GOA to see if it is true?

I have a few guns that I don't even have low-capacity mags for and since they are out of production, I can't get 'em. I sure as hell ain't gonna give them up!

[This message has been edited by Leadfoot (edited May 24, 1999).]
Would YOU (yes, YOU) be willing to shoot any federal agents that came to take away the mags you have now ?

You're serious? I would shoot down every one of my FAMILY if they were willing to accept a job collecting my guns for the government. It would break my heart, but I would feel it to be my duty. In the big picture, though encroachments are encroachments. Outlawing importation of some fabulously expensive, damnably heavy and ugly foreign gun is as much encroachment as knocking on or kicking my door in to take them all. One is just more direct.
The purpose of bills of this nature is one of division of the "gun culture." Many of our brethren own no high capacity magazines for their interests have never been in weapons of that type. The law will not be vigorously enforced at first. Eventually, in the course of some other activity (a fender bender or some such) LEO's will discover someone with high capacity magazines in their possesion. This will probably happen numerous times before someone says "enough" and resists arrest with violence. Then the anti PR wagon will roll again.
YOU guys would be frustrated? Do you have any idea how SILLY a Calico looks with a ten round clip? Really, I think the frustration is the point: They know they can't collect the guns; But if they make them illegal, and make no effort to collect them, then they have no real use anymore, there's no FUN to be had in them, and the next generation will never bother.