New bill to Hunt Wolves

I hope they get it passed. We in Wyoming are suposed to finally get our chance next year!

Good luck with the enviro-litigation.
if it passes you need to hit them hard and fast. the first year wolve hunting was legalized in idaho limits were met in all but one unit, this year last year there was almost no limit at all and the harvests have been abysmal...they caught on real quick that they weren't protected anymore.
they caught on real quick that they weren't protected anymore
Yeah, they're real smart animals. Smart often translates to "a lot of trouble". That's one reason why we killed them off 100 years ago. Well, time to get back to work, I guess.
We have wolves on our hunting land and this would allow us to shoot them if it passes.

No it wouldn't. What it would do if passed is to establish a season and the opportunity for you to apply for a permit for a $10 application fee. If you are lucky and are drawn for a tag, it will cost you $100 for a kill permit. The kill permit will be good for 1 of 4 wolf zones in the state. Once the desired number of wolves in that zone are killed, the season will close in that zone regardless of the season dates and number of permits yet unfilled. Number of permits is yet to be determined, but the number I have heard the most is 400.....for the entire state. Altho the bill proposes a Oct. 15 to Feb. 28 season, one of the recommendations from DNR officials is for the season to run in December and January, and not during the traditional gun deer season. Recommendations are also that the season be "very conservative" for the first few years. Here in Wisconsin with a limited supply of tags and the likelihood of high numbers of applications, odds are, only luck or a accumulation of preference points will get one a permit. Number of wolves shot illegally this last year and years to come will also determine number of permits given out.

As a now, the wolves are desisted in Wisconsin and landowners have the authority to shoot a wolf that is attacking a pet or livestock without a permit. Landowners that have a history of predation problems with wolves have a opportunity to obtain a permit to take problem wolves. The DNR actually sent letters to those landowners earlier this week inviting them to apply, but as yet, no permits have been issued.

What all this tells me is that odds are, in the near future, most Wisconsin residents will still be unable to legally shoot a wolf. For those that are lucky enough to draw a permit, it will be a expensive hunt with a low probability of success. It will be a long time before one can just randomly shoot one from their deer blind legally, without proper authorization first. Still, we are heading in the right direction with this and I will be standing in line with many others when it comes to sending in an application for a permit.
What all this tells me is that odds are, in the near future, most Wisconsin residents will still be unable to legally shoot a wolf. For those that are lucky enough to draw a permit, it will be a expensive hunt with a low probability of success. It will be a long time before one can just randomly shoot one from their deer blind legally, without proper authorization first. Still, we are heading in the right direction with this and I will be standing in line with many others when it comes to sending in an application for a permit.

Okay, I "meant" it would allow us to shoot them after we bought a license or permit or whatever.....

And three of us have had the big black alpha wolf chase doe right by our stands during gun deer season. One of the guys had the wolf in his sights and could have easily killed it if he was a violator.
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What state are you referring to with the 400 limit?
MN is making a proposal for a 400 wolf limit even though the people making that proposal admit that 400 is a very conservative number.
We will be having public meetings that will challenge that number.

And updated;

Sound like our DNR is more interested in how the HSNA feels about wolf hunting (Barf)!

What state are you referring to with the 400 limit?
MN is making a proposal for a 400 wolf limit even though the people making that proposal admit that 400 is a very conservative number.

Gbro....the 400 number is what I have heard for the number of permits to be issued in Wisconsin. The number of wolves to be killed I have not heard much about, but since Minnesota has approximately 4 times the number of wolves as Wisconsin, I assume the kill number will be substantially lower here than in Minnesota. What I have heard is that the number of wolves shot illegally here this year would amount to 1/4 to 1/3 of the legal number of wolves targeted to be killed. Once again, dirtball violators are taking opportunities from legitimate hunters. Also, nuisance wolves killed by landowners will also be taken into account when issuing permits for the sport hunting of wolves. This I have no problem with and is a no-brainer.
I saw lots of wolves here in Idaho untill hunting season started, they all went in to hiding and only come out at night. (I think they know they can not be hunted at night)
(I think they know they can not be hunted at night)

I see the Wisconsin proposed framework includes night hunting and I hope that MN also has that.
I do know that running a wolf hunt during any deer season would be a huge safety issue if night hunting at the same time and I opine that because of the greater numbers afield.
I can see a faction of wolf hunters that would be hunting in a combat "point man" style. :rolleyes:

but since Minnesota has approximately 4 times the number of wolves as Wisconsin,
Again this will be a huge influence to MN's quota.
I believe and have always believed our wolf population was always strong and the only reason for the ESA was to over-populate MN to establish a resident wolf pop. in Wisc.
I tell my old friend from Wisc. that a wolf like any true Minnesotan would only naturally return home ASAP :p
I bought my wolf tag this year but with a new baby showing up it did not work out to get out and find one.:( But I have a happy new baby girl so it all works out. I just hope I can murder one or two next year.


Mountain Lion....


Other Cougar....



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