New AWB in St. Pete, Florida

That's funny. Some years ago the Florida Legislators eneacted a law that basically states that they themselves are the only lawmakers in the state who can enact gun laws.
This session, they also passed bills to give themselves the power to punish those who continue to snub their nose at the state.
I guess this guy doesn't follow the rules.
LOL An SKS assult rifle?
You should see the awful things the young people do to those things :o

Doesn't Florida have state preemption? As such, a local ban would run counter to state law and thus be invalid.

If not, let them pass it. The court challenge would be immediate, and it should be easy to overturn. The result? A legal precedent (in compliance with Heller dicta) declaring categorical bans unconstitutional.
Interesting. In TX, you are free to carry a long arm in your car. However, San Antonio has a local ordinance against such. Clearly violates the state mandate. However, if you call the SAPD (at least a few years ago), they will cite it. BUT, an individual officer told me that it was legal to stroll down the street with a long arm. :confused::confused:

Ha - never been tested in court to my knowledge.

The reason for local rule was to give the cops the power to bust gang members who were buying cheap SKS rifles at the gun shows.

The other issue is banning the type of gun. Some states have such bans and I don't think Heller washes them away so easily. The decison allowed for what 'someone' thinks is a reasonable restriction. So mag bans and gun bans exist in some states. Total bans of guns won't fly but a category type might and that would have to go the SCOTUS.

The police chief is clueless on firearm details.
The State of Arkansas has statutorily preempted any legislation like this. Somehow, I suspect that Florida has, too.

I've only met a handful of folks in my life that supported "assault weapons bans" (to my knowledge). I don't think I've ever met an AWB supporter that actually knew what it was that they supported banning. Whenever I discover that someone supports these, I like to ask them them, "You do know that there's no such thing as an "assault weapon," don't you?" Invariably, they believe that there is, and that gives me the opportunity to ask them, "Ok, then. What is an assault weapon? What features do they have?" Invariably, I get to poke fun at the inclusion of bayonet lugs in the various lists of prohibited features. :D
"Ok, then. What is an assault weapon? What features do they have?"
It's the shoulder thing that goes up, silly. Everybody knows that.

The folks who write and push these bans know exactly what they're doing. They also harbor little real hope that the restrictions will reduce crime. The reason they do it is to look like they're "doing something" in front of the cameras.

Looking like you're "doing something" about a given problem makes for a better 10-second soundbite, and it requires no real investment of effort. It's a perfect political solution.

Very, very few gun control laws are actually founded on the expectation of social good. They are founded on publicity.
As stated in Post #2, Florida does have preemption.
Here is the statute...

We are also about to pass a Bill into law providing penalties against those officials who feel they know better than the State.

SB 402 is that bill found here...

It seems that there are those in office in towns and municipalities around our state who didn't care about the law. Now it will have teeth, and they just might pay attention. Or else, pay in other ways.
A major issue seems to be with the uneducated really understanding what constitutes an Assault Rifle. One of my friends that is anti-gun recently queried me on why I needed an "Assault Rifle." I answered his question with this question, "In your opinion, are Assault Rifles fully automatic?" He then asked if that was not the definition of an Assault had to be fully automatic. I then took the time to teach him the difference between semi and fully automatic. He had misunderstood what an assault rifle was and now his wife wants to take shooting lessons and get a carry permit. Go figure.
45Gunner said:
A major issue seems to be with the uneducated really understanding what constitutes an Assault Rifle.
I entirely agree. I try not to miss an opportunity to educate an anti on that, either. An anti's reaction is always interesting when I point out that: (1) there's no difference in the firing mechanism or caliber between a Mini-14 ranch rifle and a Mini-14 with a folding stock and barrel shroud; but (2) that one is banned under an AWB and one is not.
The uneducated have been willfully MIS-educated by the usual suspects.

During the days leading up to the Brady AWB, CNN repeatedly ran stories about the proposed AWB showing a spokes-cop firing a fully automatic M-16 on full auto. Meanwhile the audio is describing the benefits of banning or restricting semi-auto firearms.

The juxtaposition was intentional as it ran that way for a week. The story went away rather than being corrected. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the file footage is filed under 'semi-automatic firearm being shot'
The Council Member and Chief are clueless if they think an assault weapons bas is going to keep these weapons out of the hands of gangs.

They should concentrate on the problem. Law abiding citizens with the firearms they would ban are not the problem.