New Altamont Grips came in Come See

Captain H

Well all, just got these super rosewood service type grips for my S&W model 10 and i must say they look fantastic. They feel very nice in the hand as compared with the over squared factory service grips mine came with. They are laminate, but nicely done. I was worried that they would feel synthetic due to the impregnated finish, but they do not.






I have a pair of altamonts on one of my revolvers. They look good and feel great. Those blend very well with the blue, well done.
Nice looking grips. Nice Model 10 as well. Are they the same thickness as the factory grips? I bought some for my Vaquero and while I'm very pleased with them they are thicker than factory.
This model 10 was an unissued police trade in from the Royal Hong Kong Police lot that hit the markets about 10 years ago. The C&E stood for the Hong Kong Customs & Excise Dept. It was made in 1984.