New ACLU Blog


There is a new ACLU blog on the Heller decision, here.

And, they are getting hammered. One guy is threatening a class action suit for return of his dues.
That is some of the best reading I have seen in a long while. Their own membership seems to realize that the organization has been nothing but a leftist front based on their refusal to acknowledge the 2A.
Their own membership seems to realize that the organization has been nothing but a leftist front based on their refusal to acknowledge the 2A.

A shyster by any other name...

My favorite is the joke about how does a ACLU lawyer count to 10. 1, 3, 4, 5.... heh.
"ACLU" dues ??? Does that saying "stupid should hurt" ring a bell. Hope I get the opportunity to sit on the jury deciding fate of dues paid to ACLU. Just goes to show everyone that you can start up an organization thats very absurd and charge dues and you WILL have followers;).
I always used to find it very hypocritical that the ACLU took no stance on the 2nd Amendment. When they took up the 'collective' right stance I felt that it exposed them for the leftists they truly are.

Now when faced with the Heller decision, their refusal to waver should be proof positive to one and all, that the only rights they care about are the ones that fit their leftist agenda.
Good for them. They deserve a whuppin' for not embracing the second. I hope all those folks join a group that protects all of their rights.

Man! I wish I could think of one....:confused:
"I hope all those folks join a group that protects all of their rights.

Man! I wish I could think of one..."

I can think of several -- US Army, US Navy, US Marine Corps, US Air Force, US Coast Guard.
