new 92fs -- need practice advice for da/sa firing


went to the range today. 1st day with my beretta 92 fs compact. gun performed great. i didn't!!

i have a hi point 9, dao (like it), and a ruger mark iii, single action (love it). I have been shooting these for about 3 years. also occasionally hunt with a bolt action .30-06 or .50 inline muzzle loader. not a complete newbie to firing a gun.

problem is the 1st shot in da on the beretta. the trigger pull seemed exceptionally long, i was surprised i even hit paper. the following sa shots were fine, not as crisp as my ruger, but ok.

i am a complete newbie to da/sa semi autos. i know i could just cock the hammer for the first shot, but i have a ccw permit and want to carry the beretta in an iwb holster. i planned on having 1 in the chamber with safety on, hammer down, making first shot da. now, until i can get better with that 1st da shot, i am putting that off.

is this the norm for da/sa semi autos? should i just do a ton of dry fire practice?

now I really see the benefit of a 1911 cocked and locked, or a dao glock, xd, etc...

also have dreams of getting into idpa eventually. do these guys shoot da on first shot of each mag?

It is just a matter of dry fire practice.

An instructor showed me a great way to do this a few years back. It works great.

Gun empty, put a target up on the wall. touch the muzzle the target (sometimes in an inch away or so) then dry fire. You will see the front sight jump all around. But you will start holding it on sight much better.

I still practice dry firing a lot. Have fun be safe.
Try balancing a coin or something on the top of the slide (may be hard with a 92fs) and dry firing while keeping the coin on the gun. When you can dry fire without the coin moving or falling off you're good to go.
I agree with both gents, LOTS and LOTS of dry-fire. I have to carry the 92 FS as my duty sidearm. Before that I only carried 1911 style guns. I will add one more thing to the training, work on your grip strength to include isolating and strengthening your trigger finger. You can do this by using one of the hand grip resistance (I cannot remember the actual name of it) exercise tool.

With a CCW, do not get away from the way the gun is supposed to work with the safties, or be properly carried with or without loaded chamber, as it will cause problems if you unfortunately ever have to use the gun in your defense. Yes, you will be alive, but the after math in court can be quite costly.

Good luck with your training and BE SAFE,

good info in that article......Good question, as I am considering getting a CZ P01 for a carry gun but have been thinking about this exact topic.
?? about your hi point

I thought all hi-points are single action the trigger pull is the same always?? & no hammer I have never shot one I don't bash them just wondering ;) PS good luck keep shooting you (WILL) get better Y/D
No substitute for practice -- at home, dry fire ALOT and on the range, just purposeful technique -- be patient, it will come around ;)
Excellent article:
By Ernest Langdon
The traditional double action pistol, long feared by the
competitive shooter, is quickly becoming a force to be reckoned
with in some types of competitive pistol shooting. With the
growing popularity of IDPA and the new Production Class in
IPSC, the double action pistol is becoming a popular option for
competitive shooters around the globe.
But, there has long been a stigma associated with the double
action pistol. It has seen very little action in mainstream
competition. When you ask shooters why they don’t shoot a double
action in competition there are two main reasons that come up.
First, it is too hard or too slow to shoot a double action first shot.
Second, they don’t like having two different trigger pulls. Lets
focus on the first reason for now, the dreaded double action first
To develop speed and accuracy with the double action trigger
we need to start with accuracy. The speed will mean nothing if you
don’t hit the target. Start by shooting groups in double action only.
Your group size and the location of the groups should be the same
as your single action groups; that’s the goal anyway. Some
shooters will find that with proper technique they can shoot a
tighter group in double action than in single action.
The key to double action accuracy is keeping the trigger
moving. Don’t try and stage the trigger to the point right before
the hammer drops. This is a bad habit and will cause what is often
called “Now Syndrome”!! This is when the shooter stages or preps
the trigger to the point right before it is going to break, then cleans
up the sight picture so it is perfect and tries to make the shot break
“ NOW”. The “Now Syndrome” almost always causes the sights
and the shot to move off the intended target. Keep the sights in
your “aiming area” and keep the trigger moving. (Obviously, if
the sights move way off or out of your aiming area, stop pulling
the trigger.) Try and think of the trigger pull as a “ trigger stroke”,
and pull through with one smooth stroke of the trigger.
At first, shoot at a close target that is fairly large, maybe
seven or ten yards and try for a group. As your groups get smaller,
move the target back. Don’t be afraid to shoot groups at fifty yards
or more. It can’t hurt.
Once you’re confident with your ability to make an accurate
double action shot, pick up the pace. Start working on the time it
takes to “pull through” the double action trigger stroke.
Remember, speed means nothing if you miss the target.
The next step is to start working back to the holster. That’s
right, work back to the holster, not from the holster. The next thing
to work on is the presentation of the pistol to the target. Start from
what is normally called the ready position. This is the point in the
draw where the hands come together, just off center to the strong
side at the upper part of your abdomen. At this point the pistol
should be pointed at the target and the trigger finger is still off the
trigger. From this point forward is where you start to gain speed
with the double action first shot. From this ready position, every
effort should be made to drive the pistol directly to the target.
Imagine there is a laser coming out of the barrel and try and put
that laser on the target and keep it there until that first shot breaks.
(If you have a laser available it can be a great training tool).
As the pistol starts to move forward you should be able to
pick up the position of the muzzle in your peripheral vision. As
soon as you can see that the muzzle is on target, start pulling the
trigger. This is where the speed of the first shot comes from. As the
pistol goes out, the trigger comes back. Now it becomes a timing
issue. As the pistol goes forward and comes up to your line of
sight, you are trying to pull the trigger so that the hammer falls just
as you clean up the sight picture. The last one to two inches of the
presentation the sights should be almost perfect so if the shot
breaks a little early you’re still going to hit the target. This is really
no different than what most top shooters do with a single action
pistol. They prep the trigger on the way out to the target and try
and break the shot just as they clean up the sight picture.
With practice you will find that you can be very aggressive
on close targets. Because you can have a lot of deviation in your
sight alignment on close targets, you can break the shot very early
in the draw stroke with all the accuracy that you need.
Once you feel comfortable with working from the ready
position you can start working from the holster. Just like the
double action trigger pull, think of the draw as a smooth stroke.
Now all you have to do is combine the “draw stroke” with the
“trigger stroke” and you will be nailing sub one-second draws in
no time.
Once you master the double action first shot you will find
you can shoot the traditional double action pistol with a great deal
of speed and accuracy. It’s up to you, so get out there and start
Taping a lazer pointer of some kind to it and aiming on a target across the room while dry firing will help with trigger control. Get the lazer to quit jumping when the hammer falls.