New 590A1... bummed

Uncle Malice

New member
Ordered the 18" 6-shot 590A1 w/ Ghost Rings from Bud's a week or so ago to go with my 20" 9 shot bead sight version.

Super excited to go pick it up from my dealer today. When I got it back home I pulled the barrel out of its cardboard tube(I don't understand why they ship it separately...) only to find that the front sight blade on my barrel is both way out of alignment as well as bent to the side. It just looks totally messed up. I assume that this was from the factory since the barrel tube is stapled closed and you have to tear it open to remove the barrel... and it didn't have any damage to the box like it got smashed.

I emailed Bud's and Mossberg to see what I'm supposed to do about this. Hopefully Mossberg will come through and take care of it. Am I wrong for feeling like I shouldn't have to pay for return shipping on this? If they'll let me send the barrel only back, I won't mind too much... but if they want me to send the whole gun, I expect them to send a label.

Has anyone else seen weird issues with Mossberg's manufacturing quality control? I'm not trying to bash them or anything... they are my favorites and this is now my 3rd current, 4th total Mossberg. When I ordered the complete 14" front end for my 500/590 conversion gun, the barrel I received from the factory was way out of spec and wouldn't even mount to the gun. They were cool with replacing it - it just took quite a while for them to get all resolved. Hopefully this one doesn't take so long, I've been really looking forward to running this one a bit.

Anyways, here's what the sight looks like...

Unfortunately, that is a common problem with Mossberg shotguns it seems. I agree that you shouldn't have to pay return shipping, but it isn't really my opinion that matters...
On a positive note, Bud's already CALLED me directly and let me know that while they can't replace it since I already did a transfer on the weapon... Mossberg should replace the sight or barrel if necessary.

Bud's also told me that if for some reason Mossberg wants me to pay for shipping, just let them know and they will provide a shipping label for me at no charge... so that's cool. I've heard both good and bad about Bud's customer service, but I was definitely pleased with that.

I'll keep everyone updated on what happens.
Geeez. Well, I've been playing around with the gun since the front sight isn't a huge deal... just familiarizing myself with the gun... dry firing and whatnot.

I've discovered that the trigger doesn't reset about 30% of the time... It seems like the hammer is not resetting when the slide is racked. The trigger won't reset and the safety lever won't engage. If I rack it HARD.. like way harder than necessary... it seems to fix it, but there were twice that I had to pull out the trigger pack and manually reset it. The little vertical plate at the rear seems to not automatically go down like it's supposed to. Not sure if there's a spring or something missing...

In either case, it turns out it's more than just the sight that's jacked up on this gun. I sent Mossberg a follow up email and requested an RMA with a shipping label. I don't expect to hear anything over the weekend, but I will give them a call on Monday.

Sucks. I have the Choate extension for this one too! I put that and I REALLY like the gun with that on and by using the +1 extension with the Wolff spring it actually gives you a tight +2. Using the Choate supplied spring and follower it is indeed only +1. Soo... I have an 18" 590A1 that is only 1 round less capacity than the 20" model. Of course... it doesn't work at the moment... but once I get it back(!) I'm confident this will become a favorite. I also like the Ghost Ring sights more than I thought I would.
Pick up the phone and CALL Mossberg. I am NOT a Mossberg guy, but they have excellent customer service. I bet they will send you a new barrel and a pick up tag for the old barrel, if they even want it back.
I had an email from them at 5 am this morning asking for my mailing address and serial number. They are sending me a label to pickup the complete gun due to the additional trigger issues. So far so good!
I had an issue with 18-1/2" barrels -- two of them -- on the 590-A1's basically when they first came out. I own many Mossbergs and factory accessories and never had any other problems. In these two barrels there was melted steel inside the muzzles where the front sight were put in. I say steel because I could not scratch it and they had to replace both.

No problems before or since. Great customer service.

Oh, one other issue... Sent in an 18-1/2" 500 barrel to be ported. They reblued it instead (I DID complain about the bluing in my letter in their defense). I sent it back and they simply shipped me a brand new ported barrel -- lol.
Wanted to update you guys on the status here. I got the gun back from the factory today and everything appears to be in perfect working order. I've been racking it and dry firing it a lot, both fast and slow to see if I can get the trigger to fail again. It all seems good to go. It looks like they replaced barrel vs just replacing the sight. There were some dings in the mounting piece and they seem to be gone now... the new front sight is perfectly centered and cleanly done - no marks or nicks in the finish. The action seems nice and smooth for a new gun.

Added the Choate magazine tube extension and I'm really liking it. I also had the Wolff magazine spring delivered while it was gone and now I can't find it for the life of me. I'm sure it'll turn up somewhere, but for now, the Choate supplied spring seems fine.

I think I might end up painting this one up in some desert colors. Need to get out to the desert and put it through its paces first, but I think this one may replace my 20" as my favorite, assuming reliability proves to be as excellent as it's big brother. I'm really liking the ghost ring sights.





I miss the bayonet lug. That made it an art form.

I also prefer the bayonet lug and heat shield.

I like the bayonet lug, too, but it doesn't exist on the 18" model... only the 20". With that said, I don't actually USE a bayonet on a shotgun(or ever)... so it doesn't provide a lot of usefulness for me.

Similarly, the 590A1 doesn't have a factory heat shield, but I am going to order from AIMPRO - even though they are rather pricey.

I like having the 18" with magazine extension because it makes the gun quite a bit more maneuverable while only losing 1 round over the 20".

I really wish magpul would hurry up and get their mossberg stocks out.... I'd like to give one a try.
I don't think you should have to pay return shipping. It's not your fault! I hear from lots of people that Mossberg has bad customer service and it takes them a long time to get back with people
Put some GLOW-ON phosphorescent paint on those sights. That stuff is phenomenal. I've got it on my M590A1 and all my pistols. Who needs big money night sights when they can get this stuff fo 16? Congrats on your Mossy. Mine is accurate out to 100 yds with slugs.
I hear from lots of people that Mossberg has bad customer service and it takes them a long time to get back with people

It used to be said that planet Earth was flat too. ;)

My experience's with Mossberg's C.S. has always went well.

Glad to see things are straight for ya Uncle Malice.
Put some GLOW-ON phosphorescent paint on those sights. That stuff is phenomenal. I've got it on my M590A1 and all my pistols. Who needs big money night sights when they can get this stuff fo 16? Congrats on your Mossy. Mine is accurate out to 100 yds with slugs.

Well, I prefer night sights because I don't need to 'activate' them like you do phosphorescent paint...
I don't think you should have to pay return shipping. It's not your fault! I hear from lots of people that Mossberg has bad customer service and it takes them a long time to get back with people
Better polish up on your reading comprehension. He said they sent him a shipping label. And you can tell "lots of people" that they don't know what they are talking about. Mossberg and Remington have the best customer service in the business.
Uncle Malice - I bought my 590 with a 20" bbl, heat shield and bayonet lug. I have the Speedfeed 4 spare round stock and a side-saddle shell holder on it. Ten extra shells is nice.